Pinned issues
- 7
- 4
Missing cookiebar selection option in BE
#232 opened - 13
- 3
Cookiebar cannot be deactivated in the FE
#230 opened - 0
- 13
Wrong URL for script in MatomoTagManager
#226 opened - 0
Can not delete cookies when session is set
#224 opened - 2
Browser Warning / Cookiebar PopUp-Link
#223 opened - 0
- 3
- 3
- 1
Add direct dependencies to composer.json
#217 opened - 1
Meta consent mode
#214 opened - 11
- 10
- 11
- 11
Contao-Cookiebar Matomo
#208 opened - 4
- 3
Einbindung Trustami Widget
#202 opened - 4
Contao 5.3? Twig? Consent-Mode? Google Ads?
#200 opened - 1
Problem with Contao 5.2
#199 opened - 2
- 1
- 12
- 2
Export large data from tl_cookie_log
#194 opened - 8
Contao 5.3 CSP Support
#190 opened - 6
- 3
Cookiebar unter Contao 5.3 LTS Fehlermeldung
#188 opened - 3
Add an insert tag to open cookie bar
#187 opened - 1
- 1
- 0
Add new Google Consent Mode options
#184 opened - 2
No Menu Entry after Installation
#179 opened - 7
Videos werden nicht mehr angezeigt…
#178 opened - 7
Feature request : Content-blocking-only-mode
#176 opened - 4
Starten unterbinden bei Bots wie Google
#175 opened - 3
5.x-dev Google Analytics not working
#174 opened - 3
- 4
- 1
Beispiel fĂĽr Google Consent Mode?
#168 opened - 4
- 5
Make the consent log optional
#163 opened - 2
Internal Server Error
#161 opened - 4
Essenzielle Cookies nicht vorhanden
#158 opened - 1
verschiedene Subdomains
#157 opened - 11
- 1
- 2
Individual Cookiebar Position
#150 opened - 7
Google Maps reagiert nicht auf die Freigabe wenn das Skript unten im BODY eingebunden ist
#148 opened - 7
Opt out Script fĂĽr Google Analytics
#147 opened