- 2
- 0
Check of EL profile fails when defining datatype
#1160 opened by tobiaswjohn - 0
- 1
Using API to Create a Door-Focused Ontology Similar
#1157 opened by Semohsbi - 0
ReaderDocumentSource: "OWLOntologyCreationIOException: unknown protocol: reader"
#1156 opened by sszuev - 0
Default Prefix for Turtle Documents
#1155 opened by tobiaswjohn - 3
- 2
owlapi-apibinding is missing from the owlapi-bom
#1154 opened by reckart - 2
Shared class expression in axiom with annotations causes extra triples in output
#1109 opened by ignazio1977 - 1
#1125 opened by reckart - 1
- 3
- 0
Upgrade to RDF4J 5.x
#1145 opened by reckart - 2
- 1
- 3
Clarify "Entity not properly recognized"
#1152 opened by tobiaswjohn - 3
- 7
Provide a BOM for owlapi
#1148 opened by reckart - 0
TurtleDocumentFormat: can't parse `PREFIX`
#1149 opened by sszuev - 0
ZipIRIMapper is case sensitive for file extensions
#1140 opened by srfteixeira - 7
Ontology imports not preserved by RDF/XML parser
#1147 opened by ykazakov - 0
getDescriptionLogicName does not return DL names
#1144 opened by ckindermann - 5
No such method "setAcceptingHTTPCompression(boolean)" when using Manchester parser
#1143 opened by alkidbaci - 3
Example Question
#1139 opened by OrselChiang - 3
[question] How to import SKOS Core Vocabulary without getting 429 response code
#1114 opened by jvendetti - 3
- 1
"OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Data Range Extension: Linear Equations" supported?
#1128 opened by stefanbischof - 8
Version 4.5.27 missing from Maven central
#1136 opened by rzese - 6
Many duplicated dependencies on Android while importing owlapi-distribution
#1133 opened by Redych-the-kid - 3
OWLAPI injects rdfs:label assertions for oboInOwl when converting from obo format
#1134 opened by cmungall - 2
`` should become again interface-based like it used to be in Version 3
#1108 opened by twwwt - 3
ManchesterParser passes quotes to ShortFormProvider
#1111 opened by tfrancart - 0
[question] Why are classes with square brackets in IRI fragments allowable in OWL/XML syntax
#1131 opened by jvendetti - 0
- 6
- 0
Disable resolving of imports entirely (offline mode)
#1124 opened by reckart - 1
Vulnerabilities in Guava
#1118 opened by mrnolte - 3
[OBO parser] Axiom annotations using arbitrary properties are not always properly translated
#1112 opened by gouttegd - 0
Extending OWLOntologyLoaderListener
#1119 opened by mrnolte - 0
`OWLOntologyDocumentTarget`: documentation
#1115 opened by sszuev - 1
- 1
How to force OWL-API to use shortened IRIs in RDF/XML?
#1107 opened by trojczak - 2
#1106 opened by jamesamcl - 1
Complex DL Query
#1103 opened by Demirrr - 5
Consider raising Java version requirement to 17 or 21 to allow for algebraic data types
#1101 opened by julesjacobsen - 0
DLSafeRule serialisation is non-deterministic
#1100 opened by matentzn - 2
Declared reserved entities not visited by UseOfReservedVocabularyForAnnotationPropertyIRI
#1094 opened by hkir-dev - 1
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