
Satellites are exposed to the harsh environment in space, that vary its temperature widely as the satellite orbits around a planet. A thermal control system for a satellite at lower altitudes must be designed to regulate the fluctuations in the temperature. In the current work, a thermal analytical model for an isothermal, single-noded satellite revolving in a Low altitude Planet Orbit has been developed from the fundamental principles. The primary aim of this project is to solve the temperature of the satellite as a function of its orbital position using MATLAB code. Parameters like absorptivity and IR emissivity of the satellite effect the thermal condition of the satellite. Thus, the variation in the temperature of the satellite w.r.t various parameters is observed using MATLAB code to study its thermal effects. The temperature of the satellite, solved using the MATLAB code, returns the temperature, which obtain a reasonable approximation for the satellites at lower altitudes.

Primary LanguageMATLAB
