
ros2 package for use with ip camera

Primary LanguageC++

ROS2 IP Camera Component

ROS2 component that publishes raw images taken from an IP camera.

Note: to cross-compile for ARM architecture see the related article.


git clone https://github.com/surfertas/ros2_ipcamera.git
colcon build --symlink-install
. install/setup.bash


git clone https://github.com/surfertas/ros2_ipcamera.git
cd ros2_ipcamera
sudo docker build -t ros2_ipcamera/latest .


  1. Update rtsp_uri parameter found in /config/ipcamera.yaml with the appropriate rtsp uri to your IP camera.
  2. Set the width and height to match the resolution of the IP camera. The node does not resize the image, but only sets the capture.
  3. Generate a camera_info.yaml file and place in /config.
ros2 run ros2_ipcamera composition

# Alternatively use the launch file
ros2 launch ros2_ipcamera ipcamera.launch.py


# Update rtsp_uri in the yaml file.
sudo docker run -it ros2_ipcamera/latest bash
vi src/ros2_ipcamera/config/ipcamera.yaml
source ./install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros2_ipcamera ipcamera.launch.py


/ipcamera/image_raw - topic for raw image data

/ipcamera/camera_info - topic for camera info


  1. https://github.com/ros2/demos/blob/master/image_tools/src/cam2image.cpp
  2. http://surfertas.github.io/ros2/2019/08/17/ros2-qos.html
  3. https://github.com/klintan/ros2_usb_camera/blob/master/src/usb_camera_driver.cpp
  4. https://github.com/ros-perception/image_common/wiki/ROS2-Migration
  5. https://github.com/ros2/demos/tree/master/composition
  6. https://github.com/christianrauch/raspicam2_node/blob/master/src/RasPiCamPublisherNode.cpp