
Primary LanguageSystemVerilog


This repository contains assets for the pulp-pulpissimo platform (see Pulpissimo).

The following bitstreams were generated with version v7.0.0 of Pulpissimo and contain only the default IPs of Pulpissimo. Check out the documentation of Pulpissimo on how to configure your FPGA with these bitstreams.

  • bitstrams/pulpissimo-zcu104.bit, bitstreams/pulpissimo-zcu104.bin
  • bitstramspulpissimo-ultrazed7ev.bit, bitstreams/pulpissimo-ultrazed7ev.bin

The following bitstreams were generated with version v7.0.0 of Pulpissimo with the example AXI-attached IP Core wide_alu.

  • bitstrams/pulpissimo_zcu104_pulpissimoV7_wide_alu.bit, bitstreams/pulpissimo_zcu104_pulpissimoV7_wide_alu.bin
  • bitstrams/pulpissimo_ultrazed_7ev_cc_pulpissimoV7_wide_alu.bit, bitstreams/pulpissimo_ultrazed_7ev_cc_pulpissimoV7_wide_alu.bin

The following bitstream was generated with version v7.0.0 of Pulpissimo extended by the UDP complete example application of verilog-ethernet.

  • bitstreams/pulpissimo_ultrazed_7ev_cc_udpcomplete_v1.bin, bitstreams/pulpissimo_ultrazed_7ev_cc_udpcomplete_v1.bin

The directory openocd-cfg holds config files that are used to communicate with the jtag controller of pulpissimo. Check out the pulpissimo documentation on how to use the config files and how to debug pulpissimo running on an FPGA target

  • openocd-cfg/openocd-zcu104-digilent-jtag-hs3.cfg
  • openocd-cfg/openocd-ultrazed7ev-digilent-jtag-hs3.cfg

The following directory holds FPGA target specifics for Pulpissimo on UltraZed7EV Platform. In order synthesize the design for UltraZed7EV move this directory into the fpga subdirectory of pulpissimo. Further replace the Makefile in the fpga directory of pulpissimo with the customized Makefile Makefile_move_to_parent_dir. Check out the documentation of pulpissimo on how to synthesize pulpissimo for a specific FPGA target.

  • pulpissimo-ultrazed7ev

The directory elf-files holds precompiled elf files for pulpissimo, i.e., applications that can be loaded and run on a FPGA target that was configured with Pulpissimo. Check out the Pulpissimo documentation about how to load and debug an application.

  • elf-files/zcu104-default-design-test - can be used on a unmodified version of Pulpissimo v7.0.0; prints Hello ! to UART
  • elf-files/zcu104-pulpissimoV7_wide_alu_test - example application for the wide_alu design; prints result[0]: 7 via UART; use this application in combination with bitstrams/pulpissimo_zcu104_pulpissimoV7_wide_alu.bit
  • elf-files/ultrazed7ev-pulpissimoV7_wide_alu_test- example application for the wide_alu design; prints result[0]: 7 via UART; use this application in combination with bitstrams/pulpissimo_ultrazed7ev_pulpissimoV7_wide_alu.bit