- 1
high energy loss by the wireless crafting terminal
#387 opened by Remo41997 - 0
Game Crash When a Wireless Crafting Terminal is in a Player's Inventory (Ticking Player)
#395 opened by Watware - 0
Magnet card issue
#394 opened by DankDamo - 0
Gui for wct doesn t pop up
#393 opened by Dexyyk - 2
Open terminal keybind does not trigger until a key is pressed if bound to a secondary mouse button
#370 opened by itsmeow - 3
- 0
- 0
Magnet card does not pick up draconic loot cores
#391 opened by minekillerr - 2
No Infinite range?
#364 opened by LilHel - 3
Porting in 1.16.4
#384 opened by pd200 - 0
- 0
- 1
Halloween Easteregg is crashing the client
#383 opened by itsCryne - 2
Crashing when opening Terminal
#388 opened by someKumo - 0
- 0
JEI recipe hotkey
#385 opened by Warreign - 0
crash on wireless crafting terminal
#382 opened by reconsolidate - 0
- 1
Keyboard shortcuts should be saved in options.txt
#380 opened by bchilcott - 1
Infinity booster left the slot
#373 opened by Inverseder - 0
WCT only showing items connected via storage bus when using Infinite Booster Cards
#378 opened by Kangy1103 - 0
Crash on latest 1.12 version with p455w0rdlib
#377 opened by Saereth - 0
Crash from placing wireless terminal into storage through wireless crafting terminal
#376 opened by b-chu - 0
im dumb and cant find the toggle button
#375 opened by bollweevil13 - 2
- 1
Wireless crafting terminal doesn't open on server
#372 opened by Skyatails - 0
Wireless Crafting won't open
#371 opened by Hoto-Cocoa - 1
- 1
Shift-clicking Sign recipe into Wireless Crafting Terminal crashes client
#366 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Getting the following error when trying to launch client --- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: p455w0rd.ae2wtlib.api.WTApi.getRegistry()Lp455w0rd/ae2wtlib/api/WTRegistry;
#368 opened by Phate1989 - 0
- 0
FastWorkbench style recipe caching
#365 opened by IRISHMAN04 - 0
- 0
Crash at startup
#362 opened by theProdigy246 - 3
Feature request: Terminals don't support CTRL+A
#355 opened by HumbleDeer - 4
Crash image
#361 opened by dagantang - 12
Halloween wither skeleton + pumpkin rendering of player in terminal crashes client
#356 opened by yilrus - 1
- 1
Toggle focus key does not toggle
#349 opened by Dalethium - 1
Infinity Energy resets in Crafting Grid
#346 opened by Wxrlds - 2
- 1
- 2
Extra inventory slots for cards not showing up
#353 opened by Vareska - 4
- 4
sudden crash
#357 opened by Kern07 - 1
Can't find ae2utlib
#360 opened by Azimdur - 2
[feature request] Old Icon config
#352 opened by lublak - 2
Infinity Booster Card Old Mechanics
#347 opened by YesImSevy - 1
Crash when pressing keybind
#345 opened by mendel3 - 1
Crash with latest update on server only
#344 opened by katubug