
Robots and environments for HPP with meshes

Primary LanguagePython


This package containts a multiple problems for motion planning: freeflyer animals (or robots) that should move in diverse environments, such as windows and planes, room, pond and a cave.

The purpose of this package is to test parabola-type of steering method with bouncing animals.

The package contains:

  • URDF/SRDF/calss files describing the objects,

  • Some Python scripts going along with HPP software (github.com/humanoid-path-planner) for motion planning,

The problem can be vizualised with HPP-gepetto-viewer (github.com/humanoid-path-planner) or with RViz (must create .launch files).

To install the package with cmake, simply:

  • Create a 'build' directory in the source package,

  • in the created /build, configure the package - particularly the 'install path variable' - and install it with 'ccmake ..' and 'make install'.