Copyright 2015 LAAS-CNRS
Author: Steve Tonneau
##Description HPP - RBPRM is a library written for the software Humanoid Path Planner (link). It implements the acyclic contact planner presented in two papers (link):
"An efficient acyclic contact planner for multiped robots" (submitted to IJRR).
"A Reachability-based planner for sequences of acyclic contacts in cluttered environments" (presented at ISRR 15).
We recommend reading the IJRR submission before going using RB-PRM.
The planner has applications in both robotics and computer graphics applications (click on the pictures to watch videos):
Open $DEVEL_DIR/install/share/doc/hpp-rbprm/doxygen-html/index.html in a web brower and you will have access to the code documentation.