
Python scripts to be implemented on the ODRI robot, inspired by script from the repositories sduminy/Inverse-Kinematics and sduminy/TSID

Primary LanguagePython


Python scripts to be implemented on the ODRI robot, inspired by script from the repositories sduminy/Inverse-Kinematics and sduminy/TSID

Description of the files


All the files in this folder aims to create a simulation of walking with the robot.

  • initialization_simulation.py initialize the robot model (using robots_loader.py) and PyBullet simulator
  • walking_controller.py contains controller functions for the walk (the first one c_walking_IK() with a sinusoidal curves trajectory of the feet, the second one c_walking_IK_bezier() with Bezier curves as trajectory during the swing phase). Those controllers are based on Inverse-Kinematics : it computes the Jacobian of the errror to find the velocity which mminimizes the error.
  • PD.py is the PD torques controller. The controllers' output are torques, which are sent to the robot via PyBullet.
  • main.py computes the simulation in a for-loop, creates 2 numpy array variables Q and V to log the reference configurations and velocities and save them into a file reference_q_v.npz. They will serve as reference for the PD controller tested on the robot Inverse-Dynamics\walking_PD_controller.py.


The files in this folder use Inverse-Dynamics to simulate/experience some movements on the robot.


  • main_simu.py serves to test the different controllers on simulation first using PyBullet and the same environment as the one in Inverse-Kinematics
  • main_simu_12dof.py is for a simulation using TSID and contact forces, which force to use the 12 dof model of the robot
  • main_simu_walk.py was specifically design to test the walk in simulation (using the PD controller with the references logged in the reference_q_v_{slow/fast}.npz files


  • example.py is the example to test if the masterboard interface works well
  • masterboard_utils.py contains all functions from the masterboard (initialization of motors, saturation of the current, desired torques setting). Caution : the indexes of the configuration joints are not the same as the one used for the motors controlled by the masterboard. This file fix this problem.
  • libmaster-board-sdk.so and its Pyhton bindings libmaster-board-sdk_pywrap.so is the library of the masterboard
  • main_robot.py initializes the masterboard interface, calls a controller and computes the experimentation ; it also logs some interesting values into a logs.npz file using a class log_class.py. Those values can be displayed using plot_logs.py.
  • main_robot_12dof.py would be the same for a 12dof robot but it has not been tested so must need some adjustments
  • main_robot_walk.py is the main programm specifically designed for the experience of walking with the walking_PD_controller.py


  • P_controller.py, PD_controller.py and PDff_controller are simple controllers to test first on the robot. They set a sinusoidal reference joint position to one or multiple joints. Those files were used to adjust the gains of the proportional and derivative terms.
  • Safety_controller.py is a pure derivative controller which is switched on when position bounds are reached.
  • EmergencyStop_controller.py is a zero-torques controller which is switched on when computation time is longer than 3 ms.
  • calibration_controller.py was used to calculate the real torques exerced by one joint (using a scale and the moment arm) to recover the relation between currents and torques torques_joints = Kred * torques_mot = Kred * Ki * currents_mot to see if it was correct.
  • walking_PD_controller.py is the controller used to experiment the walk on the robot by loading the reference joints positions and velocities with the reference_q_v_small.npz (for a trajectory period of 0.5 s) or reference_q_v_fast.npz (for a trajectory period of 0.3 s) files.
  • TSID_posture_controller.py uses TSID Joint Posture task (from all joints to zero radian, to the reference configuration straight_standing) ; was tested on the robot
  • TSID_foot_placement_controller.py uses TSID SE3Equality Task to set a foot to a desired position ; this has not been tested on the robot.
  • TSID_contacts_and_posture_controller.py and TSID_contacts_posture_and_com_controller.py were not tested on the robot. Those controller requires to load the 12 dof robot model to work.