
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

EXIF rename

THIS IS A FORK OF [this repository.] (https://framagit.org/MiguelTremblay/exif_rename_files)


The exif_rename_files.py is a python script used to rename, or copy, image files using the date in the EXIF information of the files. The input files must be in jpeg format, having an extension of the form ".jpg" or ".JPG".

The file name has the form of "yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS.jpg". If there is more than one file with the same date up to the second, an extension of the form "_N" is added, giving "yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS[_N].jpg". "N" has a flexible number of digits. Hence, if there is 10 files with the same second, the first will be labeled with "01", preserving the alphabetical order of the images.

This script is ideal if you have many image files coming from more than one device, for example when two person goes into vacation and take pictures of their trip. It is also perfect to give a meaningful file name to file like "DSC0000.JPG".

It works under GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.



git version can be accessed here:
git clone https://framagit.org/MiguelTremblay/exif_rename_files.git


In a general way, this application should be called in command line like this:

python exif_rename_files.py [OPTIONS] INPUT

where: * INPUT:Directory or file(s) where the jpg/JPG files will be searched for renaming jpg files. * OPTIONS are described in the table below.
Options Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
-o --output-directory DIRECTORY Directory where the image files will be written
-t --dry-run Execute the program, but do not move or copy the files
-C --copy-directory-tree Copy the directory tree in the output directory, to mimic the input sub-directories
-m --move Move the files, instead of copying
-n --no-clobber Do not overwrite an existing file
-r --recursive Look for files in the directory and its subfolders.
-v --verbose Explain what is being done
-N --include-file-with-no-exif Copy or move files with no EXIF, using their original file name as destination
-V --version Output version information and exit


Copy the image directly in the folder where it is located:

 python exif_rename_files.py /home/miguel/photo/DSC0000.JPG

Copy all the images directly in the folder where they are located: ```bash python exif_rename_files.py /home/miguel/photo/ ```
Copy the images coming from two directories, in a target directory: ```bash python exif_rename_files.py --output-directory /home/miguel/photo/output/2013/ /home/miguel/photo/2013/ /home/pauline/photo/2013/ ```
Copy the all the images in the input directory, including those in subfolders, in the target directory, but do not overwrite is there is already an image with the target file name: ```bash python exif_rename_files.py --no-clobber --recursive --output-directory /home/miguel/output /home/miguel/photo ```
Use find to fetch all the file name starting with "DSC" or "dsc" and rename them: ```bash find /home/miguel/photo/ -iname "DSC*" -exec exif_rename_files.py --move {} + ```



Copy the file in '/usr/local/bin' directory and change its permission so it can be executed

wget https://framagit.org/MiguelTremblay/exif_rename_files/-/raw/master/exif_rename_files.py
sudo mv exif_rename_files.py /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/exif_rename_files.py


If you don't have Python 2.7, you can get it and install it from here: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ Then, you will need to install the package exifread which is available via pip. pip comes packaged with Python since Python 2.7.9 and you can run it from your Python Scripts folder typically C:\Python27\Scripts

pip install exifread

If you want to be able to call the exif_rename_files.py script from every folder, you must make sure that the C:\Python27\Scripts folder is part of your PATH environment variable.

Mac OS X

First, you have to install the package exifread which is available via pip. To install pip, install the python HomeBrew package with the command

brew install python

Then, install exifread with

pip install exifread

Once those steps are done, you can follow the same steps as on GNU/Linux:

wget https://framagit.org/MiguelTremblay/exif_rename_files/-/raw/master/exif_rename_files.py
sudo mv exif_rename_files.py /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/exif_rename_files.py


Report bugs at:


Miguel Tremblay


Copyright © 2016 Miguel Tremblay.

exif_rename_files.py is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.