
A lightweight library allowing quick configuration of esp32/esp8266 devices using async requests. Define and edit application variables using a responsive captive portal with a yaml definition dictionary and save in a file at local storage.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight library allowing quick configuration of esp32/esp8266 devices. Define application variables using a yaml text and edit them with a responsive configuration portal. Variables are updated instantly using async get requests and saved automatically on a ini file in local storage.


ConfigAssist will help to automate definition of variables used in a typical esp32/esp8266 application. It will automatically generate a web portal with edit html elements for each variable based on yaml definition text, allowing quick editing is value from a html page.

Application variables like Wifi ssid, Wifi password, Host Name can be quick edited there and will be ready for use in your application. Every time a variable is changed in the web page, it will automatically updated by ConfigAssist using an async JavaScript request. As the user leaves or closes the page at end the data are auto saved to the ini file.


  • Automate variables definition in a typical ESP32/ESP8266 project using a yaml definition description.
  • Configuration portal with various html controls for editing these variables from a web browser.
  • Automatically generate an ini file in internal storage and auto save.
  • On the fly update values in ini file using ajax requests.
  • Backup & Restore device configurations.
  • Wi-Fi scan support for auto fill nearby Wi-Fi station connections.
  • Save WiFi credentials to nvs to retain ST connections.
  • Validate Wi-Fi station connections when connecting from AP.
  • Auto synchronize ESP32/ESP8266 internal clock with browser clock.
  • Support on the fly firmware upgrades (OTA).
  • Support automatic firmware upgrades over the internet.

Features description

ConfigAssist can perform a Wifi Scan on setup and attach a drop down list on the field st_ssid with nearby available wifi access points. The list will be sorted by signal strength, with the strongest signals to be placed first and will be refreshed every 15 seconds. Users can choose a valid nearby ssid from the wifi list.

Station Wifi connections can be validated during setup with Test connection link available on each st_ssid field. The device will be switched to WIFI_AP_STA and ConfigAssist will try to test the Station connection with Wifi ssid, Wifi password entered without disconnecting from the Access Point. If the connection is successful the Station ip address and signal strength will be displayed.

WiFi credentials can also be saved to nvs to retain ST connections. On factory defaults the nvs will be not cleared and the ST connection will be still available. You can use the command http://ip/cfg?_CLEAR=1 to clear nvs. Uncomment CA_USE_PERSIST_CON in ConfigAssist.h to use this feature.

ConfigAssist can also check and synchronize the internal clock of ESP device with the browser time if needed. So even if no internet connection (AP mode) and no npt server is available the device will get the correct time. If CA_TIMEZONE_KEY string exists in variables it will be used to set the device time zone string. If not it will use browser offset.

ConfigAssist can add web based OTA updates to your ESP32/ESP8266 projects. With the button Upgrade you can upload a firmware file (*.bin) from you pc and perform a firmware upgrade to the device.

ConfigAssist can also pefrom Firmware upgrades over internet. It will compare the currnet firmware version of the device with a remote firmware stored in a web site location. If there is a new firmware it will automatically download it and pefrom the upgrade.

Check the FirmwareCheck example for more details.

These features can be disabled to save memory by commenting the lines CA_USE_WIFISCAN, CA_USE_TESTWIFI, CA_USE_TIMESYNC, CA_USE_OTAUPLOAD, and CA_USE_FIMRMCHECK in ConfigAssist.h.

Device's configuration (*.ini files) can be downloaded with the Backup button and can be restored later with the Restore button.

You can use the command http://ip/cfg?_RST=1 to manually clear the ini file and load defaults.

Configuration variables

Variables descriptions and default values are based on a text description in yaml format that acts as a template defining the type, label and extra info of each variable.

All config variables must be defined there describing the variable type, default value and the label that will be displayed to the user. It can also include and some attributes in case of special variables like datalist for list box, min, max, step for input number etc.

Wifi settings:
 - st_ssid:
     label: Name for WLAN
     default: ''

A simple html page will be generated by ConfigAssist allowing quick editing these variables from a web Browser with a connection to the device. While editing the variables they will be instantly available to the application and will be automatically saved.

Application variables can be used in code with operator [] i.e. conf['variable']. The configuration data will be stored in the SPIFFS as an ini file (Plain Text) and will be automatically loaded on each reboot.

How it works

On first run when no data (ini file) is present in local storage, ConfigAssist will start an Access Point and load the default yaml dictionary with variable definitions that will be edited. It will then generate an html page with html controls allowing data to be edited from the connected devices.

On each change in the html page data will be updated and will be available immediately to the application. The data will be saved automatically on local storage when the user finishes editing. If the configuration file is valid during next boot, yaml dictionary will not be loaded reducing memory consumption and speeding up the whole process. Note that if data is not changed ConfigAssist will not re-save the file.

ConfigAssist uses c++ vectors to dynamically allocate and store variables and binary search for speeding the access process.

How to use variables

ConfigAssist consists of single file "ConfigAssist.h" that must be included in your application The application variables can be used directly by accessing the class itself by operator [] i.e.

  • String ssid = conf["st_ssid"];
  • bool debug = conf["debug"].toInt();
  • int pinNo = conf["st_ssid"].toInt();
  • digitalWrite(conf["led_buildin"].toInt(), 0);
  • float float_value = atof(conf["float_value"].c_str());

Variables definition with YAML dictionary

In your application sketch file you must define a yaml dictionary that includes all the information needed for the html edit form to be generated. Each variable will be displayed on edit page with the order defined in the yaml file. See example below...

  • If you use keywords name, default an edit box will be generated to edit the variable. Add attribs keywords to specify min, max, step for a numeric field.

  • If you keyword name ends with _pass (or _pass and a number i.e_pass1) a password field will be used. See CA_PASSWD_KEY definition.

  • If you use keyword checked instead of default a Boolean value will be used that will be edited by a check box

  • You can combine keywords default with options in order to use a select list that will be edited by a drop list.

    • The options field must contain a comma separated list of values and can be enclosed by single quotes.
    • The options field can contains option names, values pairs delimited with ':' for example 'AllOpen':'0', 'AllClosed':'1' etc.
  • You can combine keywords default with range in order to use a value that will be edited by a input range.

    • The range field must contain a comma separated list of min, max, step and can be enclosed by single quotes.
  • You can combine keywords default with datalist in order to use a value that will be edited by a combo box.

    • The datalist field must contain a comma or line feed separated list of default values for drop down list.
  • You can combine keywords default with file in order to use a small text be edited by a text area.

    • The file field must contain a valid file path that the text will be saved to. The default keyword can also be used to define a default value.
  • All vars can have the keyword attribs to specify special attributes like javaScript, style for this field.

    • For example attribs: onChange = "this.style.color = 'red'";
    • You can use setSubScript function to add an init java script to main page.

    Check ConfigAssist-VarAttributes in examples/ folder for more details.

A separator title can also be used to group configuration values under a specific title.

Seperators can be opened and closed when click on their title. You can define the initial state by using setDisplayType function.

Use AllOpen to display opened tabs, AllClosed to display seperator titles only and Accordion to close all but not current tab.

// Set the display type

Version 2.7.8 now uses yaml instead of json descriptions to save space and increase speed See direct-yaml for details.

If you want to convert your existing configuration from JSON to YAML download version

ConfigAssist v2.7.8

comment at ConfigAssist.h line 7

#define CA_USE_YAML   // Comment to use JSON

Compile the JSON version and add a yaml dump handler.

  server.on("/yaml", []() {           // Append yaml dump handler

Upload and visit http://ip/yaml to copy your configuration in yaml format.

Sample variables definition text

Wifi settings:
  - st_ssid:
      label: Name for WLAN
      default: ''
  - st_pass:
      label: Password for WLAN
      default: ''
  - host_name:
      label: >-
        Host name to use for MDNS and AP<br>{mac} will be replaced with device's mac
      default: configAssist_{mac}

Application settings:
  - app_name:
      label: Name your application
      default: ConfigAssistDemo
  - led_buildin:
      label: Enter the pin that the build in led is connected. Leave blank for auto.
      attribs: "min='2' max='23' step='1'"
      default: 2

ConfigAssist settings:
  - display_style:
      label: Choose how the config sections are displayed. Must reboot to apply
        - AllOpen: 0
        - AllClosed: 1
        - Accordion : 2
        - AccordionToggleClosed : 3
      default: AccordionToggleClosed

Other settings:
  - float_val:
      label: Enter a float val
      default: 3.14159
      attribs: min="2.0" max="5" step=".001"
  - debug:
      label: Check to enable debug
      checked: False
  - sensor_type:
      label: Enter the sensor type
      options: 'BMP280', 'DHT12', 'DHT21', 'DHT22'
      default: DHT22
  - refresh_rate:
      label: Enter the sensor update refresh rate
      range: 10, 50, 1
      default: 30
  - time_zone:
      label: Needs to be a valid time zone string
      default: EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4
        - Etc/GMT,GMT0
        - Etc/GMT-0,GMT0
        - Etc/GMT-1,<+01>-1
  - cal_data:
      label: Enter data for 2 Point calibration.</br>Data will be saved to /calibration.ini
      file: "/calibration.ini"
        X1=222, Y1=1.22
        X2=900, Y2=3.24

Project definitions in your main app

  • include the ConfigAssist class

    • #include <ConfigAssist.h> //ConfigAssist class
  • Define your static instance with defaults

    • ConfigAssist conf;
  • if you want to use a different external ini file name

    • ConfigAssist conf(INI_FILE);
  • if you want to use a different external ini file name and yaml description

    • ConfigAssist conf(INI_FILE, VARIABLES_DEF_YAML); // ConfigAssist with custom name & dictionary
  • if you want to use a different external ini file name and yaml description disabled

    • ConfigAssist conf(INI_FILE, NULL); // ConfigAssist with custom ini name & dictionary disabled

Call back function

You can define a call back function wich will be called when the portal changes a value. This function will be called each time a value is changed from the portal with the value name as a parameter.

// Will be called when portal is updating a key
void onDataChanged(String key){
  LOG_I("Data changed, key:%s, val: %s \n", key.c_str(), conf[key].c_str());

// Setup call back function

WIFI Access point handlers

ConfigAssist must be initialized with a pointer to a web server to automatically handle AP form requests. Setup will add web handlers /cfg, /scan, to the server and if apEnable = true will enable Access Point.

conf.setup(server, /*Start AP*/ true);

You can add /cfg handler to your application after connecting the device to the internet. Editing config will be enabled for station users.

//ConfigAssist will register handlers to the web server
//After connecting to the internet AP will not be started

Connect the WiFi using ConfigAsistHelper

In order to simplify the proccess of connect to WiFi and set static ip address use the ConfigAsistHelper class. It will connect the WiFi using credentials contained in a ConfigAssist class. It will search for variables ending with CA_SSID_KEY for ssid and CA_PASSWD_KEY for passwords. For example variables like..

st_ssid,  st_pass,
station_ssid, station_pass

It can also use variables like..

st_ssid1, st_pass1,
st_ssid2, st_pass2

for failover connections.

If a variable found ending with CA_STATICIP_KEY it will automatically set static ip.

To use ConfigAsistHelper

// Define a ConfigAssist helper class with a ConfigAssist conf
// containig credentials
ConfigAssistHelper confHelper(conf);
// Connect to any available network
bool bConn = confHelper.connectToNetwork(15000 /*Timeout ms*/, conf["led_buildin"].toInt() /*Key containig internal led*/);

Synchronize time using ConfigAsistHelper

ConfigAssist can synchronize device's time with a ntp server using ConfigAsistHelper. Variables ending with CA_NTPSYNC_KEY for example ntp_server1, ntp_server2, ntp_server3 will be used as ntp servers. The current timezone for the device will be set automatically using CA_TIMEZONE_KEY for example time_zone

Just define ntp_server1, ntp_server2, ntp_server3 and time_zone settings in your config and call syncTime with timeout ms to wait until time is synchronized.

- ntp_server1:
      label: Time server to sync time1
      default: "europe.pool.ntp.org"
  - ntp_server2:
      label: Time server to sync time2
      default: "time.windows.com"
  - ntp_server3:
      label: Time server to sync time3
      default: "pool.ntp.org"

  // Setup time synchronization
  // Wait max 10 sec

Setup function

void setup()

  // Setup led on empty string
  if(conf["led_buildin"]=="") conf.put("led_buildin", LED_BUILTIN);

  // Connect to any available network with timeout 1500 and led pin on led_buildin variable
  bool bConn = confHelper.connectToNetwork(15000, conf["led_buildin"].toInt());

  // Append config assist handlers to web server, setup ap on no connection
  conf.setup(server, !bConn);
  if(!bConn) LOG_E("Connect failed.\n");

Ini files

ConfigAssist can also used to quick generate and store ini files. Just call the class constructor with a filename to be saved and null to disable dictionary.

ConfigAssist info("/info.ini", NULL);

and add the parameters to be stored with

info.put("var1", "test1", true);

Logging to a file

ConfigAssist can redirect serial print functions to a file in a spiffs and a Debug log can be generated. In your application you use LOG_E, LOG_W, LOG_I, LOG_D macros instead of Serial.prinf to print your messages. ConfigAssist can record these messages with timestamps to a file.

  • define ConfigAssist log mode Define the log level (Error = 1 .. Verbose = 5)

    #define LOGGER_LOG_LEVEL 5 // Errors & Warnings & Info & Debug & Verbose
  • if you want to enable serial print to a log file use..

    //Enable ConfigAssist logging to file
    #define LOGGER_LOG_MODE  2 // Log to file
    //Define the log filename
    #define LOGGER_LOG_FILENAME "/log1"
  • You can also use your own log_printf function by setting log mode to 3

    #define LOGGER_LOG_MODE  3        // External log_printf function

Check ConfigAssist-LogExternal in examples/ folder.


Download library files and place them on ./libraries directory under ArduinoProjects Then include the ConfigAssist.h in your application and compile..

  • compile for arduino-esp3 or arduino-esp8266.
  • To use Persistent ST connections On ESP8266 devices you must install Preferences library to provide ESP32-compatible Preferences API using LittleFS
  • if your variables exceed CA_MAX_PARAMS increase this value in class header.

You can remove old ini config file by calling conf.deleteConfig(); in your setup function. See ConfigAssist-ESP32-ESP8266.ino line:210

If you get compilation errors on arduino-esp32 you need to update your arduino-esp32 library in the IDE using Boards Manager

Other examples

You can see an advanced example of ConfigAssist usage on PlantStatus a plant monitoring and logging application