Affective computing research scientist working mostly with deep and self-supervised neural networks.
pablovin's Followers
- dilvaqueiroz
- ZahraDehghani99University of Tehran
- rahullabsPale Blue Dot
- EstelaAubuMunique
- KhinChoWin-AI
- iBehnia
- joseastorgat
- omareldardearIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
- leticiaberto
- mnguyen0226BlackRock
- noorkhan219
- frietz58Autonomous Mobile Manipulation Lab
- talpay
- chunyu-liuShenzhen,China
- lindalastricoIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia, UniversitĂ degli Studi di Genova
- JustinShenk@SimerseTeam
- lufial-dev
- youcaiSUN
- vlomonacoUniversity Of Pisa
- alfonsoopazomUniversidad Central de Chile
- mlordeloBrazil
- onyalcinSimon Fraser University
- kevinajordanActimateAI LLC
- aascode
- sunn-eIndian Institute Of Information Technology,Nagpur
- dbtmplBerlin
- devpatoOpen Source Software
- deyy94Cuernavaca, Morelos
- toxtliMicrosoft, Google, Amazon, Snapchat, GitHub, United Nations, Freelancer
- marcostark@stone-payments
- riansco14
- silvaromeroCIn-UFPE/Motorola
- nchuramaniCambridge, United Kingdom
- vitoriavasconcelos