
Azure DevOps Pipeline for backing up BookStack Wiki

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Bookstack Backup using Azure Pipelines

Azure DevOps pipelines to make a backup of Bookstack application deployed on a Kubernetes cluster using this Helm chart and upload backup archives to Azure storage account.

Supported Authentications:

Service Principal

An Azure AD service principal is required to access AKS cluster and Azure storage account.

Create Service Principal

az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment --name "http://your-sp-name"

Grant Permission to Storage Account

Contributor permission is required over a storage account to upload backup archives.

az role assignment create --assignee "{service-principal-id}" --role "Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storage-account}"

Grant Permission to AKS Cluster

Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User Role permission is required to get the cluster credential (kubeconfig)

az role assignment create --assignee "{service-principal-id}" --role "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User Role" --scope "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourcegroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{aks-cluster}"

List Permissions to verify

az role assignment list --all --assignee "{service-principal-id}" --subscription "{subscription-id}" --output table

Grant Permission to AKS Namespace

To access Bookstack in a namespace, you also need to create ClusterRoleBinding with permission edit.

Get service principal object id.

az ad sp show --id "{service-principal-id}" --query "objectId" --output tsv

Set service principal object id in clusterrolebinding.yml and apply it.

kubectl apply -f clusterrolebinding.yml


Name Description AKS Generic
TENANT_ID Azure Tenant ID of service principal X X
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID Service principal client ID that having permission to access AKS and storage account X X
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET Service principal client secret X X
KUBE_CA_BASE64 Certificate authority data from kubeconfig file X X
KUBE_API_SERVER Kubernetes API server URL:port X X
KUBE_SERVER_ID AKS server Azure AD application ID X
KUBE_CLIENT_ID AKS client Azure AD application ID X
KUBE_USER_TOKEN User token from kubeconfig file X
KUBE_CONTEXT Kubernetes context/cluster Name X X
WIKI_NAMSPACE BookStack Namespace X X
MYSQL_APP_LABEL MySQL application label i.e. <release_name>-mysql X X
BOOKSTACK_APP_LABEL Bookstack appplication label i.e. <release_name>-bookstack X X
STORAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID [Optional] Subscription ID of the storage account X X
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME Azure Storage Account Name X X
BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME Azure Storage Blob Container Name X X