
ROS-Node for Neobotix USBoard

Primary LanguageC++

ROS-Node for Neobotix USBoard

This node handles parameters and communication of the Neobotix USBoard. The USBoard is available as standalone unit and in all Neobotix mobile robots (http://www.neobotix-robots.com/components.html).

Neobotix USBoard features

Neobotix USBoard

  • Users can connect up to 16 Bosch ParkPilot URF6 / USS4 ultrasonic sensors to the USBoard and read their measurements via CAN and RS232. This allows to easily fill gaps that cannot be covered by other sensors.
  • In standalone mode two thresholds (warning and alarm) can be defined for each sensor individually. Two relays signal the detection of an obstacle within the warning or alarm range of any active sensor.
  • Configuration of the Neobotix USBoard is done via an easy to use graphical user interface that is included in delivery. The user interface runs on any Java capable computer with an RS232 port and makes configuration and monitoring fast and convenient.
  • For more information please take a look at the datasheet: http://www.neobotix-robots.com/fileadmin/files/downloads/Datenblaetter/USBoard-Datenblatt.pdf


Neobotix USBoard and accessories are available at:


Tested with:

  • ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04
  • ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04

Parameters and Usage


  1. Clone the repository into your catkin workspace src folder ($ git clone https://github.com/neobotix/neo_usboard.git)
  2. Check the ttyUSB port on which the USBoard is connected to the PC via RS-232 (generally /dev/ttyUSB0)
  3. Define parameters in launch/usboard_param.yaml
  4. Make sure that neo_msgs package is added to your catkin workspace
  5. Build your catkin workspace
  6. Run the neo_usboard roslaunch file ( $ roslaunch neo_usboard neo_usboard.launch)
  7. To print and montior the published sensors data use rostopic or rqt ($ rostopic echo /USBoard/Measurements)


Name Type
/USBoard/Measurements neo_msgs/USBoard
/USBoard/Sensor1 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor2 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor3 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor4 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor5 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor6 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor7 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor8 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor9 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor10 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor11 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor12 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor13 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor14 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor15 sensor_msgs/Range
/USBoard/Sensor16 sensor_msgs/Range


Parameter Default Value Description
ComPort /dev/ttyUSB0 Port the Neobotix USBoard is connected to
usboard_timeout 0.5 Timeout in [s]
requestRate 5 Request and Publish rate of sensor values in [Hz] (5Hz maximum)
log false Write raw data for debugging to file
sensor1_active true defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 1 should be published
sensor2_active true defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 2 should be published
sensor3_active true defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 3 should be published
sensor4_active true defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 4 should be published
sensor5_active true defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 5 should be published
sensor6_active true defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 6 should be published
sensor7_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 7 should be published
sensor8_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 8 should be published
sensor9_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 9 should be published
sensor10_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 10 should be published
sensor11_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 11 should be published
sensor12_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 12 should be published
sensor13_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 13 should be published
sensor14_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 14 should be published
sensor15_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 15 should be published
sensor16_active false defines if sensor_msgs/Range Topic for ultrasonic sensor 16 should be published


This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.