- 0
How to make annotation_map_tile() work without geom_sf()? "Scale limits cannot be mapped onto spatial coordinates" error.
#128 opened by jonovik - 0
- 2
ggspatial annotation_scale return 0 cm
#123 opened by hutaohutc - 1
- 7
`rosm::osm.types()` deprecated, but referenced in `annotation_map_tile()`
#125 opened by jack-davison - 0
- 0
Stamen maps now require API key
#122 opened by iskandari - 6
- 0
annotation_north_arrow in face_wrap
#121 opened by IgnaLeiva - 0
Release ggspatial 1.1.9
#120 opened by paleolimbot - 0
Release ggspatial 1.1.8
#116 opened by paleolimbot - 0
Error in Example for layer_spatial()
#118 opened by c-brendel - 1
ggspatial reorders facets
#108 opened by lucas-johnson - 0
default which_north = 'grid' is misleading
#117 opened by lucas-johnson - 2
[Bug?] Annotation_spatial trains the scales?
#114 opened by rhalbersma - 3
"Scale on map varies by more than 10%, scale bar may be inaccurate" with rnaturalearth world map
#109 opened by S-AQ - 2
Add background for scale bars and north arrows.
#113 opened by lucas-johnson - 0
/services/tools/gcc/7.2.0/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found
#112 opened by B-1991-ing - 0
- 4
- 0
Release ggspatial 1.1.7
#107 opened by paleolimbot - 0
Release ggspatial 1.1.6
#103 opened by paleolimbot - 0
Error in, x$raster, x$x, x$y, x$width, x$height, : cannot allocate memory block of size 67108864 Tb
#105 opened by cvw462 - 2
prettymapr and rosm reverse dependencies
#102 opened by MikkoVihtakari - 10
- 2
Add `terra` support
#91 opened by dieghernan - 5
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 2
Overlapping labels and guides()
#90 opened by robschick - 2
- 3
Scalebar breaks
#88 opened by jordanbranham - 1
Speed up creating gganimations with ggspatial
#87 opened by idshklein - 5
Prepare for new ggplot2
#86 opened by paleolimbot - 3
conda package?
#83 opened by nickschurch - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Release ggspatial 1.1.5
#77 opened by paleolimbot - 1
df_spatial and vertex identification
#76 opened by asherfie - 1
Error na instalação do pacote (R)
#75 opened by GibaGaspar - 3
- 0
- 10
layer_spatial.stars produces much lower resolution output than layer_spatial.Raster on same data
#73 opened by MilesMcBain - 3
- 1
- 1
- 2
Confusing documentation
#68 opened by Maschette - 4