This tool can be used to automate booking slots on Co-WIN Platform.
- 0
- 0
How to get the token?
#265 opened by rishabhdeepsingh - 0
Script no longer works
#263 opened by vivek076 - 1
- 0
Add android support
#255 opened by Vishvajeet590 - 7
- 1
Rate limited after 20 request
#256 opened by Dugdudada - 0
Token is invalid issue
#264 opened by HSJ161994 - 3
issue while opening the cdm
#260 opened by thanneruakhil - 3
Setup IFTTT or other automations on your android phone to forward SMS that contain 'CoWIN' to the OTP telegram channel.
#184 opened by shailesh - 4
Script is not detecting slots
#251 opened by Gitzy1984 - 8
logging out every 3 minutes and not generating OTP
#190 opened by srini-1977 - 0
Feature Request - Download Appointment Slip
#257 opened by dhhruv - 7
Captcha Response Code 200
#230 opened by Ricky10000 - 5
message": "Endpoint request timed out
#214 opened by Jaypanchal1401 - 8
Captcha decode done by @ayushchd
#243 opened by Vishvajeet590 - 8
[Logic for filtering via age is wrong]
#218 opened by sumit7 - 0
Not an issues : Tip to handle Error - Too many requests while generating OTP
#247 opened by Vishvajeet590 - 7
Error - Too many requests while generating OTP
#226 opened by salonimathur16 - 2
error fetching OTP API:Not Found
#244 opened by prashm31 - 2
Booking response code: 500
#240 opened by RahulPatkiWork - 1
Need Help to automate OTP
#239 opened by manasisadekar - 0
Auto-booking part not working
#238 opened by abhinavbandaru - 0
Not identifying open slots with auto refresh.
#237 opened by TusharJ20 - 1
- 5
- 5
Kindly add booking by center ID directly
#216 opened by rshnGhost - 2
Covid Vaccine slot booking
#227 opened by IvuriSaiteja - 0
- 4
Usage of password instead of OTP
#198 opened by Noob-Coder18 - 7
too many requests
#219 opened by riya2305 - 4
Unable to Validate OTP
#225 opened by ramesh-s-bisht - 0
auto download appointment slip when booking done
#224 opened by circuitmamu - 1
[Question] How did you know to convert top using sha(). before sending to validatemobileotp api ?
#211 opened by sumit7 - 1
Unable to validate otp
#212 opened by salonimathur16 - 5
Unable to Validate OTP Response: {"message": "Endpoint request timed out"} , seeing this message repeatedly
#210 opened by Git-cpu-sys - 1
#205 opened by parth-shettiwar - 2
Endpoint Request Timeout
#200 opened by Dugdudada - 1
Script is unable to verify OTP
#209 opened by aaturharsh - 1
Unable to validate OTP
#206 opened - 8
Unable to Validate OTP
#203 opened by rupamcroy - 2
Unable to Validate OTP
#202 opened by kachrasethop - 1
Unable to Validate OTP
#201 opened - 4
OTP not validating
#199 opened by Dugdudada - 0
captcha_automation_key not defined error
#196 opened by basuduttsinha - 1
Booking not working anymore
#189 opened by gpradeepjain - 1
Dose 1 and 2 Issue
#182 opened by circuitmamu - 0
getting logout in 5 minute only
#183 opened by chandransh2709 - 0
- 0
secret key
#179 opened by atheeqriyaz