Github Repository Page:
Github Deployment Page:
- Initial declaration: Added Left to Right direction for text, developer name
- Head section: Added compelling title for the page. title tag comes first, css comes second then added a bunch of meta intel for Google and SEO at large.
- Header section in : Header section: Company Name + Menu Bar - Combined the li and the href on single lines. Added titles to href. I added a <title> to h1 so that it would read when the mouse hovers
- I replaced the CSS BG IMG with a true IMG for the reasons that follow: Hero Image. I ended up using a true img instead of css bg img as I wanted a <title> and a for the browser to read. The picture behaves very closely to the original element. Note: the original IMG was sized down and compressed to load faster.
- Content section: I added the missing : div id=search engine optimization. Note: all images below have been sized down and compressed for faster loading / render time
- Benefits section: Added title + alt to all items below + used a < /> self-closing img tag instead of a separate closing img tag on "Cost Management"
- Footer section: Changed 2019 to 2020 + added aria label to the heart symbol so that speech reader would read properly. Note: I did not use ♥ as the speech reader misread it, "heart" instead of "love".
- .header: I re-organized and added position relative, z-index: 1 to stay above the new hero-img tag
- .header div ul li: I deleted <.header div ul> and applied to <.header div ul li>
- .hero: I created separate classes for the <.hero div> and a new one for <.hero-img> so that I could have a picture in html vs a bg image which won't take a title.
- .hero-img: Position Relative and Z-Index 0 to stay below header + margin top negative
- All 3 respectives instances of the classes below have been combined into one single declaration:
- .benefit-lead, .benefit-brand, .benefit-cost
- .benefit-lead h3, .benefit-brand h3, .benefit-cost h3
- .benefit-lead img, .benefit-brand img, .benefit-cost img
- .search-engine-optimization, .online-reputation-management, .social-media-marketing
- .search-engine-optimization img, .online-reputation-management img, .social-media-marketing img
- .search-engine-optimization h2, .online-reputation-management h2, .social-media-marketing h2
- Original "digital-marketing-meeting.jpg" 14,2MB -> New half sized version: 329Ko
- Original "search-engine-optimization.jpg" 14,9MB -> New half sized version: 525Ko
- Original "online-reputation-management.jpg" 6,7 MB -> New half sized version: 397Ko
- Original "social-media-marketing.jpg" 14,2MB -> New half sized version: 568Ko
MIT License | Copyright © [2020] Pierre André Lowenstein