Software Developer, OTT Web Engineer with a deep vested interest in the entertainment industry. Also experienced in Digital Production.
Soundtrack Specialist Inc.Venice, CA
Pinned Repositories
Stylish 1980s Pastel Coloring Lightweight Scheduler App built on Skeleton CSS, Moment JS and Jquery. Real time color scheme, scalable, includes media queries, allows for a single event to be scheduled / edited / stored for each business hour of the day.
1980s Aerobics Fitness Tracker built with MongoDB database connection, Mongoose ODM (Object Data Modeling) Schema and Express route handling to complement front-end javascript, html+css code.
Atari800 Emulator for Mac OSX
French themed Big Fernand Burger logger enabled via MySQL, Node, Express. Organized as a MVC (Model View Controller) targetting Handlebars, plus using a homemade ORM (Object-relational Mapper).
HTML Team Page Generator executed via a node command line application (CLI) in Terminal. Outputs a professional looking HTML file including managers, engineers, interns details.
Javascript powered Command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README markdown. Powered by Node.js. Executes in Terminal.
Employee information register searchable by last name (full or partial), asc/desc alphabetical order. Built with React.
Application for managing a company's employee roster. Executes in Terminal via CLI. Interaction built with node, express, inquirer. Employs a MySQL relational database to hold employee information and Console.Table for table presentation.
Note taker application that can be used to write, save, and delete notes. Employs an express backend, saves and retrieves data from a JSON file.
Budget Tracker application to allow for offline access and functionality: add expenses, deposits to budget with/out connection. Built with MongoDB, Mongoose, Morgan middleware, lite-server.
palowenstein's Repositories
Application for managing a company's employee roster. Executes in Terminal via CLI. Interaction built with node, express, inquirer. Employs a MySQL relational database to hold employee information and Console.Table for table presentation.
Javascript powered password generator with a Lebowski touch! Coded in vanilla JS, this password generator allows for a 8-128 characters password made of uppercases, lowercases, numbers, symbols and special characters. For each chosen parameter, a quote from the movie "The Big Lebowski" will appear.
Budget Tracker application to allow for offline access and functionality: add expenses, deposits to budget with/out connection. Built with MongoDB, Mongoose, Morgan middleware, lite-server.
Stylish 1980s Pastel Coloring Lightweight Scheduler App built on Skeleton CSS, Moment JS and Jquery. Real time color scheme, scalable, includes media queries, allows for a single event to be scheduled / edited / stored for each business hour of the day.
1980s Aerobics Fitness Tracker built with MongoDB database connection, Mongoose ODM (Object Data Modeling) Schema and Express route handling to complement front-end javascript, html+css code.
Atari800 Emulator for Mac OSX
French themed Big Fernand Burger logger enabled via MySQL, Node, Express. Organized as a MVC (Model View Controller) targetting Handlebars, plus using a homemade ORM (Object-relational Mapper).
HTML Team Page Generator executed via a node command line application (CLI) in Terminal. Outputs a professional looking HTML file including managers, engineers, interns details.
Javascript powered Command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README markdown. Powered by Node.js. Executes in Terminal.
Employee information register searchable by last name (full or partial), asc/desc alphabetical order. Built with React.
Note taker application that can be used to write, save, and delete notes. Employs an express backend, saves and retrieves data from a JSON file.
HTML/CSS Code provided by the social media company horiSEOn. Code has been refactored from the ground up, both in terms of HTML/CSS and in terms of compression for all media assets provided (JPEG).
Curriculum Vitae Portal includes: Profile (Experience, Skills, Education), Works (Code, Production, Scoring), Contact (Address, Write, Call, Résumé, Links, PHP Contact Form), PDF Résumé Direct Access.
Javascript powered 'Multiple Choices Question' about Javascript fundamentals. Features 20 questions x 4 choices = 80 choices to pick from, a 5 minutes time limit, bonus and penalty points, on/off high score table featuring player names, points. High score table can be cleared at any moment. 100% Vanilla JS.
API fed Weather Dashboard via the OpenWeatherMap API. Input field accepts city name and displays 1) current weather conditions, 2) weather forecast for the next 5 days. Each search query is added to a retrievable search history. Page refresh maintains the results of the last search query. Vanilla JS for app logic, jQuery for Get/Post Requests, Moment.js for exact time extraction, Skeleton CSS for lightweight display.
Not so secret* GitHub Repo for Coder Bio displayed onto the main Profile page. (*)
6 pages vertical parallax portfolio featuring: • Animated Intro, • Profile (Education / Work / Credits), • Skills, • Portfolio (Published Works), • Codevault (Code Research), • Contact Form, • PDF Résumé.
Professional Materials Portfolio built with React.
React-based Google Books Search app. Features React components, helper/util functions, query/display methods based on user preferences. Also uses Node, Express, MongoDB.
HTML+CSS portfolio devoted to the ATARI XL home computers line from 1982-84. Comprised of 3 pages (index, portfolio, contact), this museum minded portfolio is built with Bootstrap and is 100% responsive. Code has been fully validated.
Sequelize authentication application accompanied with a codebase walk-through featuring reverse engineered, commented code.
Vanilla JS Development Repo #1: Paris Webcams