
HTML+CSS portfolio devoted to the ATARI XL home computers line from 1982-84. Comprised of 3 pages (index, portfolio, contact), this museum minded portfolio is built with Bootstrap and is 100% responsive. Code has been fully validated.

Primary LanguageHTML


Mobile Responsive Portolio dedicated to the ATARI XL Computers line (Bootstrap CSS).

Github Repository Page: https://github.com/palowenstein/responsive-portfolio-bootstrap-atari-xl

Github Deployment Page: https://palowenstein.github.io/responsive-portfolio-bootstrap-atari-xl/

Table of Contents


ATARI XL Computers Museum Page1 (Screenshot) ATARI XL Computers Museum Page2 (Screenshot)


  • Mobile responsive portfolio dedicated to the classic ATARI XL Computers line.
  • Comprised of 3 pages: Index, Portfolio, Contact.
  • Built with Bootstrap.


  • Porfolio requires the use of 3 stylesheets to initialize:
    1. CSS Reset
    2. Bootstrap CDN
    3. Custom CSS
  • Boostrap functionalities:
    • Responsive layout and images.
    • Custom navbar with logo, page indicator, linkage to every page.
    • Boxed at 1140 px for central presentation on large screens.
    • Grid system: 9/3 (index), 4/4/4 (portfolio), 9/3, 12 for submit button (contact).
    • Custom fonts (futura, classic ATARI coin-up font).
    • Breadcrumb indicator.
    • Jumbotron on main page with css background-img.
    • Three respective @media queries:
      1. To disable the sidebar on mobile devices (991px break point due to Chrome dev tools),
      2. Float: none to disallow text surrounding images on small devices (standard breakpoint: 960px),
      3. Extra footer padding on small devices (standard breakpoint: 768px).
    • Sticky footer.


  1. https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https://palowenstein.github.io/hw2-responsive-portfolio-bootstrap-atari-xl/index.html
  2. https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https://palowenstein.github.io/hw2-responsive-portfolio-bootstrap-atari-xl/portfolio.html
  3. https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https://palowenstein.github.io/hw2-responsive-portfolio-bootstrap-atari-xl/contact.html



MIT License | Copyright © [2020] Pierre André Lowenstein


[www] pierreandrelowenstein.com  |  Send me a 'courriel'