
API fed Weather Dashboard via the OpenWeatherMap API. Input field accepts city name and displays 1) current weather conditions, 2) weather forecast for the next 5 days. Each search query is added to a retrievable search history. Page refresh maintains the results of the last search query. Vanilla JS for app logic, jQuery for Get/Post Requests, Moment.js for exact time extraction, Skeleton CSS for lightweight display.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


New France Weather Dashboard optimized for mobile devices (Skeleton CSS).

Github Repository Page: https://github.com/palowenstein/new-france-api-weather-dashboard

Github Deployment Page: https://palowenstein.github.io/new-france-api-weather-dashboard/

Reminder: please insert your Open Weather MAP API key on line 53 ins assets/js/weather.js for the application to be functional.

New France Weather Dashboard (Screenshot)


  • Weather Dashboard based on city name search with input field.
  • Displays current weather conditions based on search query.
  • Also displayed is the weather forecast for the next 5 days based on the same search query.
  • Each search query is added to the search history and is retrievable with a simple button click.
  • At page refresh, the dashboard will display the weather from the last search query (prior to refresh).


Weather Conditions for main window are:

  1. City Name
  2. Date
  3. Icon Representation of Weather Conditions
  4. Temperature (Celsius / Fahrenheit)
  5. Humidity
  6. Wind speed
  7. UV index (color based condition dependent)

Weather Conditions for 5 days forecast are:

  1. Date
  2. Icon Representation of Weather Conditions
  3. Temperature (Celsius / Fahrenheit)
  4. Humidity


  • Enter valid city name in the search box to search for the weather for said city.
  • Displayed on screen will be be the current weather and weather forecast for the next 5 days for said city.
  • On the left side of the weather condition are displayed yellow active buttons which contain the search history.
  • Click on any of those yellow buttons to retrieve the weather condition for the city name associated to that button.
  • At page refresh, the current weather conditions will display the last city searched prior to refresh.
  • If you want the search history to show after a page refresh, please uncomment function searchHistory().

Refer to weather.js (javascript file) for code dissection.



MIT License | Copyright © [2020] Pierre André Lowenstein


[www] pierreandrelowenstein.com  |  Send me a 'courriel'