Through algorithm fusion of multiple data sources from different sensors such as lidar, radar, camera, gps, imu and point cloud, brings about an high availability precision GPS measurement to outdoor robotics developer. iMorpheus integrate a number of advanced algorithm such as slam, kalman filter, ICP, feature selection and Gaussian Process.
We believe precise GPS signal should obtained by computing from cloud rather than measure the satellite, and soly software and cloud can solve the problem rather than expensive hardware. So that we committed into only software to solve the problem.
The alpha version is a software package operate under off-line mode and using point clould and GPS to give you accurate GPS. Each GPS signal produced also comes with confidence level.
Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04
ROS provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. It provides hardware abstraction, device drivers, libraries, visualizers, message-passing, package management, and more. ROS is licensed under an open source, BSD license.
PCL is a large scale, open source project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
- Download by GIT
$ git clone
- Download by browser - click to
After download, you can type command to decompress:$ unzip -d gpsCalibration
Under 'gpsCalibration/install' directory, we provide install scripts for beginners and developers. The scripts include installing ROS, PCL and EIGEN.
a) Basic version (Recommended for general users.) - one hour installation time.
b) Professional version (Recommended for developers.)
- First download this repertory from github to your local system.
- For ubuntu 14.04 basic version install, type commands:
$ cd gpsCalibration
$ cd install
$ sudo ./
In directory gpsCalibration, run command:
$ cd gpsCalibration
$ catkin_make
1.Make sure you have the message bag. it includes follow message types sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 and GPS coordinates recording your run trail, even GPS is not accurate and not continuous in time. If you don’t have lidar or GPS data, don’t worry, we have sample data for your trial.
small size demo data -> [download-191MB]
large size demo data -> [download-2.6GB]
Download the compressed demo data, put it into gpsCalibration/data and type commands to decompress:
$ tar -zvxf small_size_demo_data.tar.gz
$ tar -zvxf large_size_demo_data.tar.gz
After decompression of small_size_demo_data.tar.gz, you will see:
$ miniDemo/
├── bag_0
└── original_gps_data.txt
2.Open the in directory "gpsCalibration/" and set needed file directory correctly.
User Parameters:
Input filenames:
1. bag_input_filename:
input point cloud bag file list
bag_input_filename= "./data/bag_list.txt"
2. gps_input_filename:
original GPS data with type GPRMC
gps_input_filename= "./data/original_gps_data.txt"
3. result_control:
output KML files or publish messages to other nodes
1- output KML files
2- publish messages to other nodes
Output filenames:
4. gps_original_filename:
original GPS track type with KML format
gps_original_filename= "./data/original_gps_track.kml"
5. gps_improved_filename:
imporved accurate GPS track type with KML format
gps_improved_filename= "./data/calibrated_gps_track.kml"
3.In directory gpsCalibration, run commands:
$ source
$ cd data
$ vi bag_list.txt
modify the point cloud data bag path:
$ cp ./miniDemo/original_gps_data.txt ./
4.Okay, you can run command:
$ ./
5.Finally, you get a global position system coordinates matched with your run trail. It is accurate and reliable!
We show calibrated results of large size demo data.
Download compressed demo results and type commands to decompress:
$ tar -zvxf large_size_demo_result.tar.gz
$ tree large_size_demo_result
├── calibrated_gps_track.kml
└── original_gps_track.kml
Open these KML files in google earth, you can check your results.
A bag is a file format in ROS for storing ROS message data.
The GPSRMC is protocol of GPSRMC's communication: $GPRMC,085223.136,A,3957.6286,N,11619.2078,E,0.06,36.81,180908,,,A*57
The results are stored in gpsCalibration/data. We provide calibrated GPS in KML formats.
You can download Google Earth here and open KML files.
The messages are shown in gpsCalibration/src/gpsCalibration/msg.
In your node.cpp, you should include head files first:
#include "gpsCalibration/IMMessage.h"
#include "gpsCalibration/IMGPS.h
and type codes in your node.cpp:
ros::Subscriber calibratedGPS= nh.subscribe<>("/imorpheus_gps", 1, GPSHandle);
void GPSHandle(const gpsCalibration::IMMessagePtr& GPSWithWeight)
//Your process codes;
You can ask any question here or send us emails(