
A C++ implementation of Fastron based on the paper "Learning-Based Proxy Collision Detection for Robot Motion Planning Applications".

Primary LanguageC++


A C++ implementation of Fastron based on the paper Learning-Based Proxy Collision Detection for Robot Motion Planning Applications . If you use this work in your research, please cite

  title={Learning-based Proxy Collision Detection for Robot Motion Planning Applications},
  author={Das, Nikhil and Yip, Michael},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},


The contents of this repository can be placed in a directory to be used as a ROS package. For example, if catkin_ws is the ROS workspace, clone the repository into a subdirectory called src/fastron, and call catkin_make from catkin_ws.

ROS launch files can be run as examples, e.g.,

roslaunch fastron baxter_fastron_collision_checking_test.launch

These example launch files are based on the Rethink Robotics Baxter robot, which will require the Baxter model description files (baxter_description) and the Baxter MoveIt! configuration files (baxter_moveit_config).

Using Fastron

The main Fastron algorithm is in fastron.cpp and its header file fastron.h. Note that the kinematics collision detection (KCD) routine is a virtual function as it should be provided by the user. Thus, the Fastron class should not be used directly, but instead a derived class should be defined. The examples called by the launch files include such derived classes, where KCD routines are based on the FCL collision checking library.

The Fastron constructor only has a dataset of configurations (as an Eigen matrix of type double, where each row is a configuration) as an argument. Kernel and model parameters can be set after instantiation directly, e.g., fastron.g = 10 can set the kernel parameter.

As defined in the paper, the pipeline of the Fastron algorithm involves three steps: updating the labels, updating the model, and active learning. These steps each have a method that should be called by the user, and they are described below.

              +----------------+    +---------------+
     data --->+ updateLabels() +--->+ updateModel() +---> model (eval())
              +----------------+    +---------------+
                ^      +------------------+       |
                +------+ activeLearning() +<------+

The updateLabels() method uses the user-defined KCD routine to update each label for each configuration in the dataset. If different collision detection methods are available, updateLabels() can take an integer argument to specify which method is used.

The updateModel() method updates the weights of the Fastron model.

The activeLearning() method augments the current dataset with new (unlabeled) configurations. This method should only be called after at least one instance of model updating.

The eval() method predicts the collision status label for a set of query configurations using the current Fastron model. The input is a pointer to an Eigen matrix of configurations, and the output is an Eigen array of doubles.


Assume that FastronKCD is a derived class from Fastron with a custom KCD routine.

// Instantiate model
FastronKCD fastron(data); // data is an Eigen::MatrixXd where each row is a configuration

// Define model parameters
fastron.g = 10; // kernel parameter
fastron.beta = 100; // conditional bias parameter
fastron.maxSupportPoints = 3000; // support point cap
fastron.maxUpdates = 5000; // maximum number of update iterations
fastron.kNS = 2 * d; // number of points per support point for exploitation in active learning
fastron.sigma = 0.1; // standard deviation of Gaussians for exploitation sampling
fastron.allowance = 100; // size of active learning set

// Update the labels of the model

// Update the model weights

// Predict values for a test set
fastron.eval(data_test);  // data_test is an Eigen::MatrixXd where each row is a query configuration


  • Eigen
  • ROS Kinetic
  • MoveIt
  • OMPL
