- 3
- 1
Specify custom objectId when creating objects
#392 opened by yinzara - 4
Add auto-release
#373 opened by mtrezza - 3
Crash when parse very long negative values
#339 opened by abraaocaldas - 8
- 3
The automated release is failing 🚨
#383 opened by parseplatformorg - 1
The automated release is failing 🚨
#378 opened by parseplatformorg - 4
[v2.0.0-develop-1][Xamarin] User SignUp
#353 opened by P0wmes - 1
Preventing initialization exceptions in Xamarin client
#358 opened by sschaub - 1
- 0
ParseClient.Instance.GetCurrentUser() returns null when closing and restarting the app
#366 opened by tssma - 3
FCM Notifications Available for Xamarin.Android?
#311 opened by patkozlowski - 1
Error: ArgumentException: Input JSON was invalid.
#365 opened by anhhtca - 0
- 0
Readme improvements for Xamarin clients
#356 opened by sschaub - 2
- 2
How to implement offline storage?
#360 opened by P99 - 1
- 2
Parse .NET Standard NuGet bounty ...
#349 opened by stephenhauck - 2
ParseUser.getcurrentuser() is returning null in Xamarin form using Version 2.0 develop 1
#344 opened by prakharprakhar89 - 1
- 1
My Winform app can not work with self-signed SSL
#351 opened by anhhtz - 1
Allow Custom Object Id
#350 opened by cyberaxcess - 5
- 1
Push Notification Xamarin.Android
#343 opened by mmmmhh - 4
Ability to compile dotNET SDK within Unity
#354 opened by keerthik - 2
[v2.0.0-develop-1][Xamarin] - FindAsync causes ArgumentNullException - Solution found
#345 opened by AlexeyStarkov - 1
- 5
Sign in with Apple?
#347 opened by patkozlowski - 19
Is Facebook Login Implemented?
#335 opened by diasleo98 - 2
- 1
ParseUser.LinkWithAsync leaves current user in the wrong state in case of failure
#315 opened by Velorth - 2
- 4
ParseInstallation.CurrentInstallation.SetDeviceTokenFromData(NSData deviceToken) may not be up to date for iOS 13.
#338 opened by SmatchyLaPaglia - 3
How to resend user verification email?
#336 opened by diasleo98 - 7
Unable to build apk in Unity3d
#331 opened by SMArhamsoft - 4
How to authorize with Facebook in Unity?
#323 opened by jthra037 - 2
Is this SDK Compatible With dotnet Core?
#320 opened by hellfire1980 - 7
Unable to initialize Parse in Android
#313 opened by FcoCGN - 1
Parse failed to initialize in Xamarin Forms Project
#326 opened by Basttyy - 3
Use of GetEntryAssembly within Parse SDK and a configurable replacement solution [Discussion]
#321 opened by TobiasPott - 9
IL2CPP crash during building
#324 opened by lvvova1 - 15
Compiling Xamarin in Andoid Exception
#328 opened by diasleo98 - 0
Android Compiling Failling
#327 opened by diasleo98 - 7
- 12
- 7
Unity Exception with Version 2019.1.1f1
#314 opened by step4 - 1
Android 8.0 and Unity 5.61f
#306 opened by suathh - 3
Crashes on Wait() in Unity 2018.3.10
#312 opened by infosekr - 8
Unity 2018.2.20f1 switching runtime issue
#307 opened by vaspotapov