Qixin He
This document explains the simulation code, experimental design and code to analyze and generate the figures.
version e0c619b
There are newer commits for Frederic's project. Do not use those.
all the scheduling codes, biting rates pre- and post IRS, biting rates during IRS are stored in the folder IRStests
in varmodel2
Scenario settings in
. Each column depicts a parameter that would vary per run -
Input file template file:
. Parameters in brackets will be replaced by actual values per run. -
python script to write the actual input file according to the template and scenario No.:
This python script outputs at least 8 input files for each scenario: s0-s3: specific selection s4-s7: generalized immunity
s0: preIRS, specific selection s1,s2,s3: IRS=2,5,and 10years s4: preIRS, generalized immunity s5-s7: IRS=2,5,and 10years
option determines how many replicates are ran per scenario. In this study, we put -r=50
To run the script for scenario 13 with the run name AugNew
, type:
python writeGIParameters.py -p AugNew_param.csv -i varMigTestTemplate.py -n 13 -r 50 -x AugNew
, which requires networkCalculations.r
This code takes the input sqlite, write out a table with basic summary statistics, genetic diversity measures, network property calculations, pts distributions, and doi distribution.
module load gcc/6.1
module load python/3.7.0
module load R
#here define where the actual run will be stored
#copy original Rdiv code to the running folder
cp -r /home/heqixin/varmodel2 $remoteDir
generate all the input files for the scenario
cd $remoteDir
cd IRStests
python writeGIParameters.py -p ${filePrefix}_param.csv -i varMigTestTemplate.py -n $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID -r 50 -x $filePrefix
cd ..
build the model, run preIRS first
./build.py -p IRStests/${filePrefix}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_s0_input.py -d s0
#execute the run
Rscript ../runInfo/writeSummaryTable.r ./ ${filePrefix} ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} ../results/ 0 0
run GI next
cd IRStests
python writeGIParameters.py -p ${filePrefix}_param.csv -i varMigTestTemplate.py -n $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID -g -r 50 -x $filePrefix
cd ..
./build.py -p IRStests/${filePrefix}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_s4_input.py -d s4
#execute the run
Rscript ../runInfo/writeSummaryTable.r ./ ${filePrefix} ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} ../results/ 4 0
execute IRS runs
for j in {0..49}
for i in {1..3}
./build.py -p IRStests/${filePrefix}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_s${i}_r${j}_input.py -d s${i}_r${j}
Rscript ../runInfo/writeSummaryTable.r ./ ${filePrefix} ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} ../results/ ${i} ${j}
for i in {5..7}
./build.py -p IRStests/${filePrefix}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_s${i}_r${j}_input.py -d s${i}_r${j}
Rscript ../runInfo/writeSummaryTable.r ./ ${filePrefix} ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} ../results/ ${i} ${j}
first combine all the results output to one file:
cat *_summaryTable.txt > [filePrefix]_allSumTab.txt
cat *_ptsTable.txt >[filePrefix]_allPTS.txt
cat *_netTable.txt >[filePrefix]_allNetCal.txt
cat *_durTable.txt >[filePrefix]_allDurTab.txt
perform analysis and plot figures
see comments in analysis_code_varMig.R
to follow the steps.