
"GLFW error 0x1000c: Cocoa: Regular windows do not have icons on macOS" on M1 mac

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Tried running glslViewer, but keep getting this error. Unsure what it means.

Did you install glslViewer with homebrew? I had the same error, and as far as I understood the brew version isn't up to date any more @patriciogonzalezvivo Any way to fix this issue with brew or gain control over the formulae to keep it up to date? What helped me fix this error @urbanstarship is simply building glslViewer directly from source:

  1. Uninstall 'glslViewer' from your homebrew packages
  2. Follow the 'Compile on MacOS' steps
  3. As before type "glslviewer..." in your CLI of choice and have fun - hopefully without the error 😎✌️

Thank you, jschmdt, it worked for me!