Terravision creates Professional Cloud Architecture Diagrams from your Terraform code automatically. Supports AWS, Google and Azure.
- 1
Terravision fails with "Unhandled error: <class 'TypeError'>, can only concatenate str (not "bool") to str"
#109 opened by BaffledJimmy - 0
Infinite loop in interpreter.find_replace_values
#127 opened by antoinebon - 0
Infinite loop in interpreter.handle_metadata_vars
#126 opened by antoinebon - 2
- 8
Unhandled error: <class 'ValueError'>, 'module.vpc.aws_acm_certificate.cert' is not in list, <traceback object at 0xffff8f346bc0>
#121 opened by jonbutland - 4
Unhandled error: <class 'RecursionError'>, maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
#115 opened by thinkopensource - 1
ERROR: No AWS, Azure or Google resources will be created with current plan. Exiting.
#124 opened by ken-master - 0
Cannot create diagrams for TF which references external modules - Azure devops
#125 opened by f0rkth1s - 2
ERROR: Unable to call Git to clone repository
#118 opened by soldera - 15
Unable to clone module as git+ssh
#49 opened by strowi - 0
Support Tofu
#123 opened by frazergibsonntt - 10
KeyError Unhandled error: <class 'KeyError'>, 'count', <traceback object at 0x7fec41ed67c0>
#100 opened by simon-pp - 4
KeyError: 'edges'
#116 opened by patrickmlvn - 2
Unhandled error: <class 'KeyError'>, 'aws_subnet.private[1a]', <traceback object at 0xffffb06148c0>
#112 opened by jonbutland - 12
Unhandled error: <class 'TypeError'>, unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'dict' and 'dict', <traceback object at 0x7fd145a77f80>
#59 opened by ViktorUJ - 1
Crashes in []
#117 opened by andrejk-phsa - 3
ERROR: Invalid output from 'terraform plan'
#113 opened by tarak666 - 2
ETA on Azure support
#104 opened by andrcami - 2
Error Analysing plan (file name: tfplan.bin)
#102 opened by psdec-paul - 0
[FEATURE] terragrunt support
#114 opened by ghulteen - 0
Target Group returned instead of load balancer
#111 opened by ludevrie - 0
Unable to generate diagram on Windows machine
#110 opened by rajivverma - 1
Add support for different AWS profiles
#107 opened by jacopobr - 1
KeyError: 'after_sensitive'
#101 opened by juanms - 2
[FEATURE] Possibility of using workspaces and/or fine tuning the terraform commands used to generate plans
#92 opened by Antoine-Sevec - 1
S3 backends
#105 opened by gokhanboranalp - 4
Could you please add a license file?
#63 opened by johanneskastl - 1
- 9
- 2
pip ERROR: kdave 0.2.2 has requirement Click==8.0, but you'll have click 8.1.3 which is incompatible
#58 opened by ViktorUJ - 14
terravision CLI hangs on last resource
#66 opened by dnk8n - 0
- 1
Cannot init when using terraform cloud
#98 opened by MagnusSafty - 7
Unhandled error: <class 'KeyError'>, 'cidr_block', <traceback object at 0x7f48ac46a540>
#93 opened by kk-rishang - 1
Unhandled error: <class 'IndexError'>, list index out of range, <traceback object at 0x7fb55d6a3240>
#95 opened by SandipKumar05 - 2
Most of the repo failing with error
#69 opened by surajtikoo - 6
- 9
#71 opened by pmatra - 4
AWS Internet Gateway not supported
#72 opened by colbyshores - 2
- 3
- 5
Unhandled error: <class 'TypeError'>, unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'bool' and 'str', <traceback object at 0x1065cab40>
#82 opened by thiagoalexandria - 2
Unhandled error: <class 'IndexError'>, list index out of range, <traceback object at 0x7f61b0042b40>
#81 opened by aomarabdelaziz - 4
- 3
Unhandled error: <class 'ValueError'>, invalid literal for int() with base 10: '"ADAssessment"', <traceback object at 0x0000012B64594380>
#77 opened by ScottEmberson - 3
Unhandled error: <class 'AttributeError'>, 'list' object has no attribute 'startswith', <traceback object at 0x000002DA1E707780>
#60 opened by Scott-Emberson - 1
Read me file instruction steps are not cleared
#68 opened by surajtikoo - 1
Does not work for Google Cloud
#65 opened by dogmatic69 - 11
Unable to clone versioned modules
#51 opened by bengels00 - 1