Pick and Place color blocks

This repository is ROS 2 package for the pnp task solution for xArm7 and UR5e robots.


Clone this package and build

cd ~/your_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/patsyuk03/pnp_color_blocks.git
cd ~/your_ws
colcon build
source install/setup.bash

PnP xArm

ros2 launch pnp_color_blocks pnp_xarm.launch.py robot_ip:=xxx.xxx.x.xxx use_fake_hardware:=false

PnP UR5e

With fake hardware

ros2 launch pnp_color_blocks pnp_ur.launch.py use_fake_hardware:=true initial_joint_controller:=joint_trajectory_controller 

With real hardware

ros2 launch pnp_color_blocks pnp_ur.launch.py use_fake_hardware:=false initial_joint_controller:=scaled_joint_trajectory_controller robot_ip:=xxx.xxx.x.xxx


PnP xArm Hardcoded
PnP xArm AR Detection
PnP UR5 Hardcoded