
Generic multi-class image classifier

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The project aims to train a neural network to learn to classify images by only providing a folder structure of images. It supports both Linux and MacOS and also both CPU and GPU.

Set up environment

To setup the environment run:

source setup-environment.sh

Creating the dataset

Your dataset of images should have the following structure: <IMAGE_FOLDER>\<DATASET_TYPE>\<CLASS_LABEL>\<IMAGE_FILE> Where DATASET_TYPE must have the following values: TRAIN, VALIDATION, TEST

Once you habe the dataset, you should configure using: python DatasetConfigure.py --images_folder=/home/audrey_hepburn/image-folder --dataset_folder=/home/audrey_hepburn/dataset

This command will create a set of json files that will be used during sampling

Training The Model

The first time the training starts it's necessary to add the option --reset_model=true. That will automatically download a deep convolutional network (resnet18) trained for resnet, remove the classifier, and add a new classifier for the dataset. Keep in mind that you decide to change the number of class labels, you'll need to reset the model again. The model's new classifier is initialized using xavier initialization.

python ClassifierTrainCli.py --reset_model=true

During the training the log will look like:

2018-01-19 18:25:28.557219 -- Epoch [57/10000] -- Iter [101/114] -- Train Loss: 0.000509 -- Train F1-Score in Batch: 1.0 -- Train F1-Score in Epoch: 0.9981
2018-01-19 18:25:28.840080 -- Epoch [57/10000] -- Iter [102/114] -- Train Loss: 0.0003899 -- Train F1-Score in Batch: 1.0 -- Train F1-Score in Epoch: 0.9982
2018-01-19 18:25:29.123776 -- Epoch [57/10000] -- Iter [103/114] -- Train Loss: 0.00332 -- Train F1-Score in Batch: 1.0 -- Train F1-Score in Epoch: 0.9982
2018-01-19 18:25:29.407557 -- Epoch [57/10000] -- Iter [104/114] -- Train Loss: 0.001104 -- Train F1-Score in Batch: 1.0 -- Train F1-Score in Epoch: 0.9982
2018-01-19 18:25:29.691633 -- Epoch [57/10000] -- Iter [105/114] -- Train Loss: 0.131 -- Train F1-Score in Batch: 0.9687 -- Train F1-Score in Epoch: 0.9979

The meaning of each of the fields if the following:

  • Epoch: iteration over the entire training set
  • Iteration: iteration in the epoch (batch)
  • Train Loss: corss-entroy loss in the iteration's batch
  • Train F1-Score in Batch: F1-Score in the batch
  • Train F1-Score in Epoch: F1-Score in the current epoch (cumulative F1-Score over all the iterations inside the batch)

Each time an epoch finishes the model will be tested, and in case it improves it'll store the model in the models folder (default $PWD/models/model_best.model)

2018-01-19 17:45:43.109032 -- Model Improved. Previous Best Test F1-Score 0.9528 | Current Best Test F1-Score  0.9628
2018-01-19 17:45:43.109067 -- ... saving model ...
2018-01-19 17:45:43.175670 -- ... model saved.
2018-01-19 17:45:43.175728 -- Epoch 4

In case it does not improve, the model won't be overwritten. Nonetheless, in any case results will be logged

2018-01-19 18:25:33.489587 -- Model did *NOT* Improve. Current Best Test F1-Score 0.9975 | Current Test F1-Score 0.9975

See option --help for a complete list of training options

Usage: ClassifierTrainCli.py [OPTIONS]

  --model_file TEXT      Path of the filename where the model is saved.
  --images_folder TEXT   Folder where the images are stored. Each subfolder
                         shall contain the class label and each subfolder has
                         to contain all the images
  --dataset_folder TEXT  Folder where dataset is stored
  --visual_logging TEXT  Only Desktop. Display additional logging using images
                         (e.g. image sampling). Do not use it in a server, it
                         requires a desktop environment.
  --reset_model TEXT     Reset model (start model from scratch).
  --num_epochs INTEGER   Number of epochs.
  --batch_size INTEGER   Batch size.
  --learning_rate FLOAT  Learning rate
  --gpu INTEGER          Only used if CUDA is detected. GPU index. Index
                         starts from 0 to N - 1 for N GPUs in your system.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Test Sampling

Sampling during test set is deterministic to ensure consistency comparing models. The only distortion to the image is croping its center removing a 10% from each side.

Train Sampling

Sampling during training ensures unifor sampling of each class. On top of that, there are the following distortions to the image for augmentation:

  • Center crop with randomize X and Y transation from 0% to 10%
  • Angle distorion from -10 degrees to +10 degrees
  • Intensity, from 50% atenuation to 50% amplification

Visual Logging

One of the options of the training script is --visual_logging, whcih when enabled allows to visualize the different distortions.

For example:

python ClassifierTrainCli.py --visual_logging=true

Which displays:

alt text


For inference there is a convenient CLI script ClassifierInferenceCli.py that can be run using:

python ClassifierInferenceCli.py --image_path=<PATH OF THE IMAGE>

For example:

pytorch) audrey_hepburn@audrey_hepburn-:~/image_classifier$ python ClassifierInferenceCli.py --image_path=images/Chickens/2916577134_97269ffab5.jpg
{ 'class_label': 'Chickens', 'probability': 0.9995 }
(pytorch) audrey_hepburn@audrey_hepburn-:~/image_classifier$ python ClassifierInferenceCli.py --image_path=images/Cows/483647887_10e32baf7f.jpg
{ 'class_label': 'Cows', 'probability': 0.9679 }

The results are in JSON to ease integration with other projects.

There is also the script ClassifierInference.py that can be used in third party projects to do inference.

For example:

  class_labels = ClassLabels(dataset_folder).labels
  model = torch.load(model_file)
  classifier_inference = ClassifierInference(model, class_labels, gpu)
  image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
  class_label, probability = classifier_inference.predict(image)