
Neural spike sorting algorithm based on iso-cut clustering and template matching in raw voltage space for the detection of near-simultaneous spike events.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Spike Sorting Full Binary Pursuit

This package provides a neural spike sorting algorithm implementation as described in our publication Hall et al. (2021) Evaluation and resolution of many challenges of neural spike sorting: a new sorter. The internal algorithm clusters spike waveforms in a manner derived from the isocut algorithm of Chung et al. 2017 to discover neuron spike waveforms. These spike waveform templates are then used to derive all the spike event times associated with each neuron using a slightly modified version of the binary pursuit algorithm proposed by Pillow et al. 2013. The current code-base significantly extends this work by adding alignment, sharpening, and noise estimation among other things. Because all spike events are ultimately discovered by the binary pursuit algorithm (not just the missed events as suggested originally by Pillow et al.) we have called the algorithm Full Binary Pursuit (FBP).

A primary focus in fully using the binary pursuit approach to detect spike times is to enable detection of spikes that overlap in space and time in the voltage trace. The goal is to accurately detect spikes in the voltage while minimizing false discoveries in order to allow analyses of single, isolated neurons and cross correlogram analyses between simultaneously recorded neurons even in the face of high firing rates.



conda create --name fbp

conda install conda-forge::pyopencl defaults::scipy defaults::numpy defaults::matplotlib defaults::cython defaults::psutil

pip install -e spikesorting_fullpursuit

A simple test to see whether pyopencl can detect your graphics card is to run:

import pyopencl as cl
platforms = cl.get_platforms()
for platform in platforms:
	devices = platform.get_devices(cl.device_type.GPU)

If successful this should print the name of your GPU(s). If multiple GPUs are detected, the current code searches for the one with greatest memory for use. This can be checked or modified in binary_pursuit_parallel.py ~lines 221-231.

Testing with demos

Basic usage is shown in the scripts and Jupyter notebook provided in "demos". Successfully running these demos on your own machine should also provide evidence that the software is correctly installed and able to use a GPU.

If running this script causes your computer to hang or crash, you might try testing first with 'do_overlap_recheck' set to "False". The overlap recheck can be time consuming and may cause your GPU to either crash or timeout. It is likely that the watchdog timer for your operating system or graphics card will need to be increased in order to successfully run. Alternatively, you could run using a smaller 'max_gpu_memory' or run with smaller segment durations, both of which will sort less data in each GPU call and therefore might run faster without causing a timeout. Be sure that the program is discovering and using the desired GPU.

When using the Jupyter notebook under git, it will likely be useful to configure how git handles notebook changes and output. Specifically, you may consider using the nbstripout package, which can be installed either through pip or anaconda as explained here: Mateos Blog

To run the demo scripts from the command line where the git repository was installed, scripts should be run in this order:
First make the voltage data and save ground truth:

python ./spikesorting_fullpursuit/demos/make_and_save_voltage.py test_voltage.npy test_ground_truth.pickle

Then run the sorting algorithm on the generated synthetic data:

python ./spikesorting_fullpursuit/demos/test_demo_run_sort.py test_voltage.npy sorted_demo.pickle

Run automated postprocessing to place sorter output into a dictionary sorted neurons:

python ./spikesorting_fullpursuit/demos/test_demo_postprocessing.py sorted_demo.pickle sorted_neurons.pickle

Finally run a quick script that compares sorted results to the ground truth generated data and make a couple figures:

python ./spikesorting_fullpursuit/demos/test_demo_results.py sorted_neurons.pickle test_ground_truth.pickle


Once FBP is installed and correctly detecting and using the host machine GPU, users must accomplish two objectives to sort their own data.

  1. Voltage timeseries of data must be in an N channels by M samples Numpy array.

  2. The user must create an appropriate electrode object that inherits from the AbstractProbe class defined in the electrode.py module. The AbstractProbe class requires specification of the basic details of the recorded voltage data such as sampling rate and the number of channels. The primary purpose of the user defined subclass object is to specify the "get_neighbors" function. This function takes a single input, a channel number, and returns its corresponding "neighborhood" of channels. Users should ensure to keep the error check shown in the provided objects to ensure only channels within range are requested. The returned neighborhood is a numpy array of channel numbers. The returned numbers will be used to define a neighborhood for clustering of detected spike events. Returned neighborhoods for channel c, MUST include c.


The function spike_sort takes a number of optional arguments that can adjust the behavior of the sorter. In general, the default settings to spike_sort should yield a fairly good sort for reasonably isolated neurons. A brief description of the optional arguments and their default values follows. The inputs are given to the call to spikesorting_parallel via a settings dictionary argument, e.g.

		'sigma': 4.0, # Threshold based on noise level for discovering spikes
		'clip_width': [-15e-4, 15e-4], # Width of clip in seconds, used for clustering. Made symmetric with largest value for binary pursuit!
		'p_value_cut_thresh': 0.01, # Statistical criterion for splitting clusters during iso-cut
		segment_duration': 600, # Seconds (None/Inf uses the entire recording) Can be increased but not decreased by sorter to be same size
		'segment_overlap': 120, # Seconds of overlap between adjacent segments
		'do_branch_PCA': True, # Use branch PCA method to split clusters
		'do_branch_PCA_by_chan': True, # Repeat branch PCA on each single channel separately
		'do_overlap_recheck': True, # Explicitly check if each spike is better accounted for as a sum of 2 spikes (templates)
		'filter_band': (300, 8000), # Sorting DOES NOT FILTER THE DATA! This is information for the sorter to use. Filter voltage as desired
				BEFORE sorting
		'do_ZCA_transform': True, # Whether to perform ZCA whitening on voltage before sorting. Should be used for multichannel recordings
		'check_components': 100, # Number of PCs to check for clustering. None means all
		'max_components': 5, # Max number of PCs to use to form the clustering space, out of those checked
		'min_firing_rate': 0.0, # Neurons with fewer threshold crossings than satisfy this rate are removed
		'use_rand_init': True, # If true, initial clustering uses at least some randomly chosen centers
		'add_peak_valley': False, # Use peak valley in addition to PCs for clustering space
		'max_gpu_memory': None, # Maximum bytes to try to store on GPU during sorting. None means use as much memory as possible
		'save_1_cpu': True, # If true, leaves one CPU not in use during parallel clustering
		'remove_artifacts': False, # If true the artifact removal settings will be used to detect and zero out artifacts defined by the number of channels with simultaneous threshold crossing. Changes Probe.voltage in place! NOTE: This can have catastrophic consequences if inappropriate values are chosen resulting in significant portions of the voltage date being set to 0.
    'artifact_cushion': None, # Same format as clip_width defining a pre/post window for removal around artifacts. None defaults to same as clip_width
    'artifact_tol': 0, # +/- tolerance, in samples, for counting an event as "simultaneous" across channels.
    'n_artifact_chans': 1.0, # Amount of channels event must cross threshold on to be considered an artifact. Numbers <= 1 are treated as proportions of channels. Numbers >= 2 are treated as an absolute number of channels.
		'sort_peak_clips_only': True, # If True, each sort only uses clips with peak on the main channel. Improves speed and accuracy but can
				miss clusters for very low firing rate units on multiple channels in rare occasions
		'n_cov_samples': 100000, # Number of random clips to use to estimate noise covariance matrix. Empirically and qualitatively, 100,000
				tends to produce nearly identical results across attempts, 10,000 has some small variance. This step can be slow for large values.
		# e.g. sigma_bp_noise = 95%: 1.645, 97.5%: 1.96, 99%: 2.326; 99.9%: 3.090; 99.99% 3.719  NOTE: these are one sided
		'sigma_bp_noise': 3.719, # Number of noise standard deviations an expected template match must exceed the decision boundary by.Otherwise it is a candidate for deletion or increased threshold. Higher values = lower false positives and higher false negatives. NOTE: this probability is closely related to the probability of a false positive *per sample* in the voltage data due strictly to noise variance (not misclassifications of other units' spikes) being added to a unit, and not the probability of false positives in the output units. Since the number of samples is large, it is preferable to use a large confidence bound here as expected false positives (under the assumptions of the noise distribution etc) ~(1-sigma_bp_noise)*n_voltage_samples. The use of clip windows makes this number not exact and the actual value should be lower than this but still proportional.
		'sigma_bp_CI': None, # Number of noise standard deviations a template match must fall under for a spike to be added. np.inf or None
				ignores this parameter. Can help with large noise event rejection, but is relatively fickle and can miss real spikes as well.
		'bp_chan_snr': None, # SNR required for a template on a given channel to be used for binary pursuit. Channels lower than this are set to zero template signal. This is computed as in the output in units of 3x STD of the background noise relative to peak/valley of the template. Thus .33 	would indicate removing channels where signal is within 1 STD of the noise. Values of 'None' or <=0 are ignored (all channels included).
		'absolute_refractory_period': 10e-4, # Absolute refractory period expected between spikes of a single neuron. This is used in
		'get_adjusted_clips': False, # Returns spike clips after the waveforms of any potentially overlapping spikes have been removed --!this is NOT recommended as it has not been thoroughly tested, is very GPU and memory intensive, and provides minimal benefit.
		'max_binary_pursuit_clip_width_factor': 2.0, # The factor by which binary pursuit template matching can be increased relative to clip
				width for clustering. The best values for clustering and template matching are not always the same.
				# Factor of 1.0 means use the same clip width. Less than 1 is invalid and will use the clip width.
		'verbose': False, # Set to true for more things to be printed while the sorter runs
		'test_flag': False, # Indicates a test run of parallel code that does NOT spawn multiple processes so errors can be seen
		'log_dir': None, # Directory where output logs will be saved as text files for each parallel process during clustering. Processes can
				not usually print to the main screen so output can be seen here.
		'output_separability_metrics': True, # Setting True will output the separability metrics dictionary for each segment. This contains
				a lot of information not currently used after sorting, such as noise covariance matrices and templates used by binary pursuit.
		'wiener_filter': True, # Use wiener filter on data before binary pursuit. MUST use sort_peak_clips_only!
    'wiener_filter_smoothing': 100 # Hz or None for no smoothing. Smooths the signal and noise voltage spectra in the frequency domain so that the filter does not become overly specific to the frequency of discovered templates. A roughly ideal number will be the max
		frequency of all events on a channel (combined over all neurons). Probably in the range ~100-200 is good with similar results. High values result
		in more specific filtering and lower values less specific.
		'same_wiener': False, # If true, compute Wiener filter over all channels at once, using the same filter for every channel. Otherwise compute separately for each channel
    'use_memmap': False, # Will keep clips and voltages stored in numpy memmap files (voltage is preloaded as needed into ram for faster processing)
    'memmap_dir': None, # Location to memmap numpy arrays. None uses os.getcwd(). Should all be deleted after successfully running
		'memmap_fID': None # Optional identifier for naming memmap files for this specific file sort. Useful to prevent multiple simultaneous sorts from repeating file names and overwritting each other's data or causing an error
		'save_clips': True, # Saves all discovered clips in output file. These can get VERY large, so it's optional. Can be recomputed from voltage for postprocessing.
		'parallel_zca': True, # If True, do ZCA in parallel processes instead of serially. Parallel can load a LOT of voltage arrays/copies into memory
    'seg_work_order': False, # If True, workers will be deployed in segment order to minimize memory usage. Otherwise they are in order of most crossings for greatest speed


The immediate output from the sorter should be entered into the postprocessing WorkItemSummary object as shown in the examples. The final output from this process is a Python list of dictionaries, where each dictionary (list element) represents the data for a single sorted unit. The dictionary contains lots of information about the sorting procedure performed, but importantly contains NumPy arrays of the spike indices for each detected spike event for that unit.

NOTE: The current version outputs all of the spike clip waveforms. This is very memory intensive and it might be desirable to remove these from the final output. However, the clips are used for stitching segments and are needed for automated post-processing using the WorkItemSummary object.