
Projects created in the Numerical Methods 2 course at Federal University of Ceará in 2014

Primary LanguageC++

Here are the codes I made in the Numerical Methods 2 course in my Computer Science graduation at Federal University of Ceará, taught by Prof. Emanuele Santos. They were made in 2014 and maybe not fully functional.

  • If you see any writing errors or typos, please warn me;
  • Any doubts, sugestions and/or issues, please contact me.



Compiling Everything
  • To compile all methods at the same time it is enough to go into the folder where Makefile is and use the make command:
$ make
Individual Compilation
  • To compile only one method, use the corresponding make command.
  • For this, you should go into the folder where the Makefile is and execute the help command:
$ make help


General Execution
  • To execute a method that has variations, you should execute the general main file of this method, whose last line argument should be the id of a specific method;
  • E.g.: there are three specfic main files for Closed Newton-Cotes Methods: trapezoidal rule (1st order), Simpson's 1/3 rule (2nd order) and Simpson's 1/8 rule (3rd order).
  • However, it is possible to execute a Closed Newton-Cotes method up to 6th order. For this, you should use the general main file, main_closedNewtonCotes.cpp, with the executable execClosedNC (you can verify it in $ make help). The execution should be:
$ ./execClosedNC inputfile.txt order
  • Example:
$ ./execClosedNC entrada1.txt 6
  • A general main file can be used to execute specific examples without problems. Specific main files are nothing more than a provided use of a general main file.
  • For specific informations of every method, please see the Appendix.
Specific execution
  • To execute a specific method, you should execute its own method with convenient arguments (you can verify it in $ make help).
  • E.g.: to execute the trapezoidal rule without using the general main file your executable will be execTrapezium (please forgive my typo here, at that time I didn't know that the correct name is trapezoidal rule):
$ ./execTrapezium inputfile.txt

General main files

Numerical Integration
  • main_closedNewtonCotes.cpp
    • Used to solve single integrals using Closed Newton-Cotes methods;
    • It accepts order from 1 to 6, where 1 is the trapezoidal rule, 2 is the Simpson's 1/3 rule and 3 is the Simpson's 3/8 rule.
  • main_quadrature.cpp
    • Used to solve integrals using Gaussian Quadrature methods.
  • main_doubleIntegration.cpp
    • Used to solve double integrals using Closed Newton-Cotes methods;
    • It accepts order from 1 to 6, where 1 is the trapezoidal rule, 2 is the Simpson's 1/3 rule and 3 is the Simpson's 3/8 rule.
  • main_romberg.cpp
    • Used to solve double integrals using Romberg's method, which in turn uses Closed Newton-Cotes methods;
    • It accepts order from 1 to 6, where 1 is the trapezoidal rule, 2 is the Simpson's 1/3 rule and 3 is the Simpson's 3/8 rule.
Numerical Derivative
  • main_firstDerivative.cpp
    • Used to solve first derivatives using finite difference methods or Lagrange multiplier;
    • It accepts values from 0 to 2, where 0 is Backward Difference, 1 is Forward Difference and 2 is Central Difference;
    • To use the Lagrange multiplier method, you should use the specific main file main_lagrangeDerivative.cpp.
  • main_richardsonExtrapolation.cpp
    • Used to solve first derivatives using Richardson extrapolation method, which in turn uses finite difference;
    • It accepts values from 0 to 2, where 0 is Backward Difference, 1 is Forward Difference and 2 is Central Difference.
  • main_secondDerivative.cpp
    • Used to solve second derivatives using finite difference methods;
    • It accepts values from 0 to 2, where 0 is Backward Difference, 1 is Forward Difference and 2 is Central Difference.
Initial Value Problems
  • mainAdamsPredictorCorrector.cpp
    • It accepts order values of 0 or 1, where 0 is Adams Predictor-Corrector 3rd order and 1 is Adams Predictor-Corrector 4th order.
  • mainRungeKutta.cpp
    • It accepts order values from 0 to 3, where 0 is Forward Euler method (Runge-Kutta 1st order), 1 is Runge-Kutta 2nd order, 2 is Runge-Kutta 3rd order and 3 is Runge-Kutta 4th order.
Boundary Value Problems
Please, see also the "Intructions" file inside the folder "BoundaryValueProblems"
  • main_tridiagonalMatrx.cpp
    • Used to solve a linear system, represented by a tridiagonal matrix.
  • main_gaussianElimination.cpp
    • Used to solve a linear system, represented by a two-dimensional matrix, using Gaussian ELimination.
  • main_gaussSeidel.cpp
    • Used to solve a linear system, represented by a two-dimensional matrix, using Gauss-Seidel method.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • main_powerIteration.cpp
  • main_inverseIteration.cpp
  • main_powerIteration.cpp
  • main_jacobi.cpp
  • main_qrAlgorithm.cpp
  • main_householderTransformation.cpp