- artemklevtsov
- atamby1
- carlganzOakland
- charlie86Spotify
- cstepperMax Bögl
- davidskiCyentia Institute (@cyentia)
- douglascmBrazil
- dpastoorA2-Ai
- dsumpter
- ebyerlyBoston, MA
- freestatman@Sanofi-GitHub
- greenaussieSydney
- grosa1University of Molise - UNIMOL
- ianfeller
- jdblischakOhio, USA
- jonatronblahVirginia, USA
- kxzk
- Leo-Lee15China
- luyongxuNew York, NY
- matt-drayUK public sector
- mjhendricksonBoston Scientific
- nfultz@njnmco @ucla
- optixlabIntel Corp.
- peoplecuresomewhere in the future
- pommedeterresautee@ELS-RD Lefebvre Sarrut
- RLesur@InseeFr
- robsalascoSantiago, Chile
- ryanb8Birmingham, AL
- shulik7Novartis Gene Therapies
- talegariGames24x7
- timbookGeneral Assembly
- tomsing1Denali Therapeutics
- twgardner2
- vortexingFred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- Yue-JiangLos Angeles