Mittag-Leffler function (used in a future version of MIGRATE; Compile like this: gcc -g -DSTANDALONEMITTAGLEFFLER mittag_leffler.c hermite_interpoly.c romberg.c mittag_leffler_interpol_data.c -o mlf The code returns values like mathematica, but fails with large values (returns inf). IT RETURNS THE NATURAL LOG! This code is still experimental and surely can be improved in its default it uses a lookup table for some values, tom compile with lookup table use this: gcc -g -DSTANDALONEMITTAGLEFFLER -DMLF_SLOW mittag_leffler.c hermite_interpoly.c romberg.c mittag_leffler_interpol_data.c -o mlf the code has a terse help ./mlf Syntax: mlf g #prints mlf(lambda=[-100..99],alpha=0.6,beta=0.6) Syntax: mlf z #prints mlf(lambda=z,alpha=0.6,beta=0.6) Syntax: mlf z a #prints mlf(lambda=z,alpha=a,beta=a) Syntax: mlf z a b #prints mlf(lambda=z,alpha=a,beta=b) arzak:src>mlf -5 0.5 0.5 #using lookup table log(mlf(z=-5.000000,alpha=0.500000,beta=0.500000)) = -4.5406573 +0i arzak:src>mlf -5 0.5 0.4 # calculating log(mlf(z=-5.000000,alpha=0.500000,beta=0.400000)) = -4.8583428 +3.1415927i arzak:src>mlf -5 0.5 1.0 # using lookup table log(mlf(z=-5.000000,alpha=0.500000,beta=1.000000)) = -2.2009114 +0i with time ./mlf t you get a rough timing for 10^6 calls to the mlf function the lookuptable version is about 2x faster than the calculating version. Peter Beerli