A barely functional, wildly incomplete and basically undocumented Rust crate whose aim is to let you write Games for the Playdate handheld gaming system in Rust.
- 190n
- boozookEarth
- dcormier
- ernestkissiedu
- gingerbeardmangingerbeardman
- HeRoMoTokyo/Japan
- igaryheHyrule
- ImpossibleUnity Technologies
- jaamesUK, '97
- javierhonducoLondon / Madrid
- jihiggins
- jsonfryRemote
- jumang4423
- jurgelenaslocalhost
- kngwyu@oist
- LikeLakers2
- lukewhrit@orca-group
- mysteriouspantsAmazon Web Services
- naari3Japan
- NetOpWibby@NeverCease
- netpro2k@mozilla
- oppiliappan
- phekiBrasil
- plavelo
- redglutenGluten Design
- saltireToronto
- saucesaft
- SobertParis, France
- somethingelseentirely
- sydsyd33
- tedmiston@mandolin-dev
- tjkirch
- tjtelanSeattle, WA
- ur5usUnfolding Web
- welchi@goodwelchi
- wezm@yeslogic