

In this assignment, you are asked to write a c++ header, which calculates following quadratic optimization with the parameters coming from ROS message using Ceres library.

$$min 1/2 x^TQx + c^Tx$$

where Q is a n by n matrix and c is a 1 by n vector. These parameters will be send to your program through a publisher named "/optimization_parameters" with msg type Float64MultiArray. The msg will contain n*(n+1) parameter for each Q and c. The first n*n parameters are the elements of Q matrix and the Q matrix is flattened row by row (flatten(Q) = (row_1, row_2,..., row_n) ). Last n element of the msg corresponds to the c vector.

The dimension of optimization will depend on the dimension of the parameters received in ros msg. We are going to test your code with n<=6. In the ideal case, the optimization should be writen parametrically such that it works with any positive integer value of n. But hardcoded switch/case structure is also accepted (for this case your code should send a warning message if size of the optimization is not covered by the code).

Your callback function should check whether

  • the dimension of the msg data is n*(n+1) and
  • the Q matrix is symmetric. If the conditions are not satisfied, it should send an error message and skip optimization.

After the optimization, the code should print out solution and computation time.

Final submision

You should submit a copy of this repository with modified "optimizer_main.cpp", "Optimizer.hpp", "CMakelist.txt" and others if you need. To test your code, we will simply run following

rosrun ros_QP_assignment optimizer_main

and test it with different parameters send from "rostopic pub"

test input

rostopic pub "/optimization_parameters" std_msgs/Float64MultiArray "layout:
  - label: ''
    size: 0
    stride: 0
  data_offset: 0
data: [1,0,0,2,2,1]" 

in this test Q = diag(1,2) , c = (2,1)


How to run Ceres test code

If you dont have a "catkin_ws", create one

mkdir ~/catkin_ws
mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin init

Then, clone the repository to your "catkin_ws/src"

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

build the code

cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build ros_qp_assignment

source it

cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash

launch roscore in a second terminal and run the test

rosrun ros_qp_assignment ceres_test