- 0
Health Check fails for non-CDH customer
#287 opened by operdeck - 1
Update all remaining articles to use V4
#277 opened by StijnKas - 0
Optional imports are imported
#279 opened by StijnKas - 0
Port ADM Health Check article to tracked docs
#285 opened by StijnKas - 1
Move Wiki contents to documentation
#278 opened by StijnKas - 3
Maintain Pandas Support
#284 opened by yusufuyanik1 - 2
Missing docstrings in V4
#280 opened by StijnKas - 1
AUC util funcs div by zero errors
#264 opened by operdeck - 0
Local datasets in example notebooks
#265 opened by StijnKas - 1
Rename PerformanceBin to PredictorPerformance
#251 opened by operdeck - 1
Color assignments in Health Check are inconsistent
#256 opened by operdeck - 2
Dynamically generate show_versions contents
#258 opened by StijnKas - 0
Hide Stage in the Value Finder propensity plots
#195 opened by StijnKas - 4
- 3
plotPredictorPerformance fails for AGB
#215 opened by yusufuyanik1 - 2
Fields missing in datamart predictor data
#127 opened by operdeck - 0
Plot-level filters for Value Finder plots
#194 opened by StijnKas - 0
Glob method for combining multiple zip files in readMultizip in Pega_IO
#205 opened by brianhamnerPega - 2
Calculation of Feature Importance incorrect
#263 opened by operdeck - 0
- 2
plotPredictorCategoryPerformance with multiple facets returns a configuration rather than a plot
#249 opened by operdeck - 1
- 2
- 2
Inclusion of more metrics
#165 opened by StijnKas - 1
Batch run of off line model report creation fails
#254 opened by operdeck - 2
- 1
Python model reports cosmetics
#175 opened by operdeck - 1
Health Check (Python) alignment
#136 opened by operdeck - 3
- 2
Entropy: How Much optionality do we present?
#120 opened by yusufuyanik1 - 7
Python article Health Check
#96 opened by operdeck - 3
- 6
Small fry for ADM explained article
#95 opened by operdeck - 2
Include datamart based sample generation
#118 opened by operdeck - 1
Github Codespaces File Uploading
#191 opened by yusufuyanik1 - 2
Performance plot has odd title
#167 opened by operdeck - 1
Impact Analyzer Explained notebook
#196 opened by operdeck - 1
IndexError in health check
#201 opened by operdeck - 1
Install fails due to "pROC" dependency
#186 opened by AntonTal - 17
- 2
Out of memory when importing data
#149 opened by StijnKas - 1
HealthCheck calculation bug
#114 opened by yusufuyanik1 - 1
Off-line Model reports port to Python
#128 opened by operdeck - 0
Linter/formatter CI/CD
#140 opened by StijnKas - 6
findShortestPath blocked by heavy rain
#116 opened by operdeck - 1
- 1
Total log odds of NB models misses one factor
#107 opened by operdeck - 2
Failing Healthcheck CI
#102 opened by StijnKas - 2
ADM explained renders with errors
#101 opened by operdeck - 3
Kick Start with PDSTool
#100 opened by CPan007