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High performance version of 3D object detection network -PointPillars, which can achieve the real-time processing (less than 1 ms / head)
- The inference part of PointPillars(pfe , backbone(multihead)) is optimized by tensorrt
- The pre- and post- processing are optimized by CUDA / C + recode.
Easy to train
- this repo directly uses mmlab/OpenPCdet for training. Therefore, as long as you follow the steps of the official tutorial, it is very easy to train your own data. In addition, you can directly use official weight(PointPillar-MultiHead) for deployment. Due to the need to use Tensorrt, the official mmlab/OpenPCdet still needs to be customized. I will upload my modified version to hova88/OpenPCdet.
Easy to deploy
- On the basis of Autoware.ai/core_perception/lidar_point_pillars and Apollo/modules/perception/lidar/lib/detection/lidar_point_pillars, this repo improves the way of information transmission, removes redundant things and adds MultiHead feature in postprocess.
- Linux Ubuntu 18.04
- OpenPCdet
- ONNX IR version: 0.0.6
- onnx2trt
- Linux Ubuntu 18.04
- CMake 3.17
- CUDA 10.2
- TensorRT 7.1.3
- yaml-cpp
- google-test (not necessary)
clone thest two repositories, and make sure the dependences is complete
mkdir workspace && cd workspace git clone https://github.com/hova88/PointPillars_MultiHead_40FPS.git --recursive && cd .. git clone https://github.com/hova88/OpenPCDet.git
generate engine file
1.1 Pytorch model --> ONNX model : The specific conversion tutorial, i have put in the change log of hova88/OpenPCdet.
1.2 ONNX model --> TensorRT model : after install the onnx2trt, things become very simple. Note that if you want to further improve the the inference speed, you must use half precision or mixed precision(like ,-d 16)
onnx2trt cbgs_pp_multihead_pfe.onnx -o cbgs_pp_multihead_pfe.trt -b 1 -d 16 onnx2trt cbgs_pp_multihead_backbone.onnx -o cbgs_pp_multihead_backbone.trt -b 1 -d 16
1.3 engine file --> algorithm : Specified the path of engine files(*.onnx , *.trt) in
. -
1.4 Download the test pointcloud nuscenes_10sweeps_points.txt, and specified the path in
cd PointPillars_MultiHead_40FPS mkdir build && cd build cmake .. && make -j8 && ./test/test_model
cd PointPillars_MultiHead_40FPS/tools python viewer.py
Left figure shows the results of this repo, Right figure shows the official result of mmlab/OpenPCdet.
Input filename: ../model/cbgs_pp_multihead_pfe.onnx
ONNX IR version: 0.0.6
Opset version: 12
Producer name: pytorch
Producer version: 1.7
Model version: 0
Doc string:
WARNING: [TRT]/home/hova/onnx-tensorrt/onnx2trt_utils.cpp:220: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
Input filename: ../model/cbgs_pp_multihead_backbone.onnx
ONNX IR version: 0.0.6
Opset version: 10
Producer name: pytorch
Producer version: 1.7
Model version: 0
Doc string:
Module Time
Preprocess 0.455046 ms
Pfe 0.319025 ms
Scatter 0.004159 ms
Backbone 33.1782 ms
Postprocess 7.17682 ms
Summary 41.1385 ms
>>>> >>>>
Input filename: ../model/cbgs_pp_multihead_pfe.trt
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
Input filename: ../model/cbgs_pp_multihead_backbone.trt
>>>> >>>>
Module Time
Preprocess 0.459405 ms
Pfe 4.2454 ms
Scatter 0.007755 ms
Backbone 15.5444 ms
Postprocess 7.21689 ms
Summary 27.4806 ms
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
to see the full text.