
Files and code for reproducing analysis and figures in Erwin et al. (2020) paper on NGC 4608 and NGC 4643.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Public data, code, and notebooks for Erwin et al. (2021) paper on NGC 4608 and NGC 4643

This git repository contains data files, Python code, and Python Jupyter notebooks which can be used to reproduce figures and analyses from the paper "Composite Bulges -- II. Classical Bulges and Nuclear Disks in Barred Galaxies: The Contrasting Cases of NGC 4608 and NGC 4643" (Erwin et al. 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502: 2446-2473; arXiv:2101.05321).


NGC 4643: nuclear-disk kinematics

(This figure shows the near-IR morphology and stellar kinematics of the nuclear-disk region inside the bar of the SB0/a galaxy NGC 4643. Leftmost panel: HST WFC3-IR F160W isophotes. Other panels: VLT-MUSE stellar kinematics for the same region, overlaid with isophotes from the ratio image of our best-fitting model (solid contours = nuclear-disk component is dominant). (See Section 5.2 and Figure 18 of the paper for more details.))



The Python code and notebooks require the following external Python modules and packages, all of which are available on PyPI and can be installed via pip:

Jupyter Notebooks

  • n4608n4643_figures_for_paper.ipynb -- generates the figures for the paper (including individual plots for multi-plot figures)

Python Code

  • plotutils.py -- assorted functions used in generating figures

Data Files

The data/ subdirectory contains various subdirectories with Spitzer IRAC1 and HST images of the two galaxies, corresponding mask and PSF images, and model images generated by Imfit. Some images are rotated from the observed (data) orientation so as to put N up and E to the left.

Imfit Configuration and Best-fit Parameter Files

The corresponding data, mask, and PSF images can be found in the data/ subdirectory.

Spectroscopy and Stellar-kinematics Data

SAURON stellar kinematics data from the ATLAS3D survey (Cappellari et al. 2011) for NGC 4608 and NGC 4643 is available here (see the "2-dim Stellar Kinematics content" files).

(For NGC 4643, we also used multiple-pointing SAURON observations from Seidel et al. (2015); please contact Dr. Marja Seidel for access to the reduced data.)

The ESO Phase 3 pipeline-reduced MUSE datacube for NGC 4643 [REF] can be obtained via the Phase 3 Data Products search form. Our kinematic analysis of this datacube is available upon reasonable request.

How to Generate Figures from the Paper

  1. Download this repository.

  2. Edit paths in the notebooks so they point to the correct locations on your system, if necessary. See notes in the initial cells of the notebooks. Also make sure to set savePlots = True if you want the PDF files to actually be generated (the default is False, which means the figures will appear in the notebook but won't be saved to disk).

  3. Run the notebook barsizes_figures_for_paper.ipynb to generate the figures.


Code in this repository is released under the BSD 3-clause license.

Creative Commons License
Text and figures are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.