
Decoupled and modular approach to building multi-task ML models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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TorchBricks builds pytorch models using small reuseable and decoupled parts - we call them bricks.

The concept is simple and flexible and allows you to more easily combine, add or swap out parts of the model (preprocessor, backbone, neck, head or post-processor), change the task or extend it with multiple tasks.

TorchBricks is a compact recipe on both how model parts are connected and when parts should be executed during different model stages such as training, validation, testing, inference and export.

TorchBricks is NOT a framework! - it just a thin abstraction on top of pytorch modules.

Install it with pip

pip install torchbricks

Bricks by example

To demonstrate the the concepts of TorchBricks, we will first specify some dummy parts used in a regular image recognition model: A preprocessor, a backbone and a head (in this case a classifier). Note: Don't worry about the actually implementation of these modules - they are just dummy examples.

from typing import Tuple

import torch
from torch import nn

class PreprocessorDummy(nn.Module):
    def forward(self, raw_input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return raw_input / 2

class TinyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_channels: int, n_features: int) -> None:
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(n_channels, n_features, kernel_size=1)

    def forward(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.conv(tensor)

class ClassifierDummy(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_classes: int, in_features: int) -> None:
        self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features, num_classes)
        self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1))
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)

    def forward(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        logits = self.fc(torch.flatten(self.avgpool(tensor), start_dim=1))
        return logits, self.softmax(logits)

Concept 1: Bricks are connected

An important concept of TorchBricks is that it defines how modules are connected by specifying input and output names of each module similar to a DAG.

In below code snippet, we demonstrate how this would look for our dummy model.

from torchbricks.brick_collection import BrickCollection
from torchbricks.bricks import BrickNotTrainable, BrickTrainable

bricks = {
    "preprocessor": BrickNotTrainable(PreprocessorDummy(), input_names=["raw_images"], output_names=["processed"]),
    "backbone": BrickTrainable(TinyModel(n_channels=3, n_features=10), input_names=["processed"], output_names=["embedding"]),
    "head": BrickTrainable(ClassifierDummy(num_classes=3, in_features=10), input_names=["embedding"], output_names=["logits", "softmaxed"]),
brick_collection = BrickCollection(bricks)
# print(create_mermaid_dag_graph(brick_collection))

Each module is placed in a dictionary with a unique name and wrapped inside a brick with input and output names. Input and output names specifies how outputs of one module is passed to inputs of the next module.

In above example, we use BrickNotTrainable to wrap modules that are shouldn't be trained (weights are fixed) and BrickTrainable to wrap modules that are trainable (weights are updated on each training iteration).

Finally, the dictionary of bricks is passed to a BrickCollection.

Below we visualize how the brick collection connects bricks together.

flowchart LR
    %% Brick definitions
    preprocessor(<strong>'preprocessor': PreprocessorDummy</strong><br><i>BrickNotTrainable</i>):::BrickNotTrainable
    backbone(<strong>'backbone': TinyModel</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    head(<strong>'head': ClassifierDummy</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    %% Draw input and outputs
    raw_images:::input --> preprocessor
    %% Draw nodes and edges
    preprocessor --> |processed| backbone
    backbone --> |embedding| head
    head --> logits:::output
    head --> softmaxed:::output
    %% Add styling
    classDef arrow stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.0 
    classDef input stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#22A699 
    classDef output stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#F2BE22 
    classDef BrickNotTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#B56576 
    classDef BrickTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#6D597A 
    %% Add legends
    subgraph Legends

Graph is visualized using mermaid syntax. We provide the create_mermaid_dag_graph-function to create a brick collection visualization

The BrickCollection is used for executing above graph by passing a dictionary with named input data (named_inputs).

For above brick collection, we only expect one named input called raw_images.

batch_size = 2
batched_images = torch.rand((batch_size, 3, 100, 200))
named_inputs = {"raw_images": batched_images}
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs)
print("Brick outputs:", named_outputs.keys())
# Brick outputs: dict_keys(['raw_images', 'processed', 'embedding', 'logits', 'softmaxed'])

The brick collection accepts a dictionary and returns a dictionary with all intermediated and resulting tensors.

Running our models as a brick collection has the following advantages:

  • A brick collection act as a regular nn.Module with all the familiar features: a forward-function, a to-function to move to a specific device/precision, you can save/load a model, management of parameters, onnx exportable etc.
  • A brick collection is also a simple DAG, it accepts a dictionary with "named data" (we call this named_inputs), executes each bricks and ensures that the outputs are passed to the inputs of other bricks with matching names. Structuring the model as a DAG, makes it easy to add/remove outputs for a given module during development, add new modules to the collection and build completely new models from reusable parts.
  • A brick collection is actually a dictionary (nn.DictModule). Allowing you to access, pop and update the collection easily as a regular dictionary. It can also handle nested dictionary, allowing groups of bricks to be added/removed easily.

Concept 2: Bricks are grouped

Another important concept is that bricks can be executed in groups.

To demonstrate how and why this is useful, we have added the group argument to each brick and introduced BrickLoss brick.

from torchbricks.bricks import BrickLoss

bricks = {
    "preprocessor": BrickNotTrainable(PreprocessorDummy(), input_names=["raw_images"], output_names=["processed"], group="MODEL"),
    "backbone": BrickTrainable(
        TinyModel(n_channels=3, n_features=10), input_names=["processed"], output_names=["embedding"], group="MODEL"
    "head": BrickTrainable(
        ClassifierDummy(num_classes=3, in_features=10),
        output_names=["logits", "softmaxed"],
    "loss": BrickLoss(model=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), input_names=["logits", "targets"], output_names=["loss_ce"], group="LOSS"),
brick_collection = BrickCollection(bricks)

# BrickCollection(
#   (preprocessor): BrickNotTrainable(PreprocessorDummy, input_names=['raw_images'], output_names=['processed'], groups={'MODEL'})
#   (backbone): BrickTrainable(TinyModel, input_names=['processed'], output_names=['embedding'], groups={'MODEL'})
#   (head): BrickTrainable(ClassifierDummy, input_names=['embedding'], output_names=['logits', 'softmaxed'], groups={'MODEL'})
#   (loss): BrickLoss(CrossEntropyLoss, input_names=['logits', 'targets'], output_names=['loss_ce'], groups={'LOSS'})
# )
# print(create_mermaid_dag_graph(brick_collection))

With group names, it is now possible to execute desired subsets of the model during execution by adding groups.

Here is a few examples:

named_inputs = {"raw_images": batched_images, "targets": torch.ones((batch_size), dtype=torch.int64)}

# With no groups specified, all bricks are executed
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs)

# With groups specified, only bricks in the specified groups are executed
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs, groups={"MODEL"})

Groups are important concept in our model recipe as it allows us to specify how model will act during different model stages.

Brick collection during inference and export:

During Inference and Export model stages, we do not have ground truth labels and we wan to skip loss calculations.

# Execution only "MODEL" group bricks
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs, groups={"MODEL"})

The graph will look like this and note that the graph only requires raw_images as input:

flowchart LR
    %% Brick definitions
    preprocessor(<strong>'preprocessor': PreprocessorDummy</strong><br><i>BrickNotTrainable</i>):::BrickNotTrainable
    backbone(<strong>'backbone': TinyModel</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    head(<strong>'head': ClassifierDummy</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    %% Draw input and outputs
    raw_images:::input --> preprocessor
    %% Draw nodes and edges
    preprocessor --> |processed| backbone
    backbone --> |embedding| head
    head --> logits:::output
    head --> softmaxed:::output
    %% Add styling
    classDef arrow stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.0 
    classDef input stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#22A699 
    classDef output stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#F2BE22 
    classDef BrickNotTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#B56576 
    classDef BrickTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#6D597A 
    %% Add legends
    subgraph Legends

Brick collection during train, test and validation:

During "Train", "Test" and "Validation", targets are available and we want to calculate loss to both improve model and track loss curves.

# Execution all groups
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs)

# Or execute explicitly "MODEL" and "LOSS" group bricks
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs, groups={"MODEL", "LOSS"})

The graph will look like this and note that the graph now requires raw_images and targets as input:

flowchart LR
    %% Brick definitions
    preprocessor(<strong>'preprocessor': PreprocessorDummy</strong><br><i>BrickNotTrainable</i>):::BrickNotTrainable
    backbone(<strong>'backbone': TinyModel</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    head(<strong>'head': ClassifierDummy</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    loss(<strong>'loss': CrossEntropyLoss</strong><br><i>BrickLoss</i>):::BrickLoss
    %% Draw input and outputs
    raw_images:::input --> preprocessor
    targets:::input --> loss
    %% Draw nodes and edges
    preprocessor --> |processed| backbone
    backbone --> |embedding| head
    head --> |logits| loss
    head --> softmaxed:::output
    loss --> loss_ce:::output
    %% Add styling
    classDef arrow stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.0 
    classDef input stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#22A699 
    classDef output stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#F2BE22 
    classDef BrickNotTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#B56576 
    classDef BrickTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#6D597A 
    classDef BrickLoss stroke-width:0px,fill:#5C677D 
    %% Add legends
    subgraph Legends

As demonstrated in above example, we can easily change the required inputs by change the model stage. That allows us to support two basic use cases:

  1. When labels/targets are available, we have the option of getting model prediction along with loss and metrics.

  2. When labels/targets are not available, we do only model predictions used for model inference/export.

The mechanism of activating different parts of the model and making loss, metrics and visualizations part of the model recipe, allows us to more easily investigate/debug/visualize model parts in a notebook or scratch scripts.

Brick features:

Brick feature: TorchMetrics

We are not creating a training framework, but to easily use the brick collection in your favorite training framework or custom training/validation/test loop, we need the option of calculating model metrics

To easily inject both model, losses and metrics, we also need to easily support metrics and calculate metrics across a dataset. We will extend our example from before by adding metric bricks.

To calculate metrics across a dataset, we heavily rely on concepts and functions used in the TorchMetrics library.

The used of TorchMetrics in a brick collection is demonstrated in below code snippet.

import torchvision
from torchbricks.bag_of_bricks.backbones import resnet_to_brick
from torchbricks.bag_of_bricks.image_classification import ImageClassifier
from torchbricks.bag_of_bricks.preprocessors import Preprocessor
from torchbricks.bricks import BrickLoss, BrickMetricSingle
from torchmetrics.classification import MulticlassAccuracy

num_classes = 10
resnet = torchvision.models.resnet18(weights=None, num_classes=num_classes)
resnet_brick = resnet_to_brick(resnet=resnet, input_name="normalized", output_name="features")
n_features = resnet_brick.model.n_backbone_features
bricks = {
    "preprocessor": BrickNotTrainable(Preprocessor(), input_names=["raw"], output_names=["normalized"]),
    "backbone": resnet_brick,
    "head": BrickTrainable(
        ImageClassifier(num_classes=num_classes, n_features=n_features),
        output_names=["logits", "probabilities", "class_prediction"],
    "accuracy": BrickMetricSingle(MulticlassAccuracy(num_classes=num_classes), input_names=["class_prediction", "targets"]),
    "loss": BrickLoss(model=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), input_names=["logits", "targets"], output_names=["loss_ce"]),
brick_collection = BrickCollection(bricks)

We will now use the brick collection above to simulate how a user can iterate over a dataset.

# Simulate dataloader
named_input_simulated = {"raw": batched_images, "targets": torch.ones((batch_size), dtype=torch.int64)}
dataloader_simulated = [named_input_simulated for _ in range(5)]

# Loop over the dataset
for named_inputs in dataloader_simulated:  # Simulates iterating over the dataset
    named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=named_inputs)
    named_outputs_losses_only = brick_collection.extract_losses(named_outputs=named_outputs)

metrics = brick_collection.summarize(reset=True)
# named_outputs.keys()=dict_keys(['raw', 'targets', 'stage', 'normalized', 'features', 'logits', 'probabilities', 'class_prediction', 'loss_ce'])
# metrics={'MulticlassAccuracy': tensor(0.)}

For each iteration in our (simulated) dataset, we calculate model outputs, losses and metrics for each batch.

Losses are calculated and returned in named_outputs together with other model outputs. We provide extract_losses as simple function to filter named_outputs and only return losses in a new dictionary.

Unlike other bricks, BrickMetrics will not (by default) output metrics for each batch. Instead metrics are stored internally in BrickMetricSingle and only aggregated and return when the summarize function is called. In above example, metric is aggregated over 5 batches as summaries to a single value.

It is important to note that we set reset=True to reset the internal aggregation of metrics.

Additional notes on metrics

You have the option of either using a single metric (torchmetrics.Metric) with BrickMetricSingle or a collection of metrics (torchmetrics.MetricCollection) with BrickMetrics.

For multiple metrics, we advice to use BrickMetrics with a torchmetrics.MetricCollection doc. It has some intelligent mechanisms for efficiently sharing calculation for multiple metrics.

Note also that metrics are not passed to other bricks or returned as output of the brick collection - they are only stored internally. To also pass metrics to other bricks, you can set return_metrics=True for BrickMetrics and BrickMetricSingle. But be aware, this will add computational cost.

Brick features: Act as a nn.Module

A brick collection acts as a 'nn.Module' meaning:

from pathlib import Path

# Move to specify device (CPU/GPU) or precision to automatically move model parameters

# Save model parameters
path_model = Path("build/readme_model.pt")
torch.save(brick_collection.state_dict(), path_model)

# Load model parameters

# Iterate all parameters
for name, params in brick_collection.named_parameters():

# Iterate all layers
for name, module in brick_collection.named_modules():

# Using compile with pytorch >= 2.0

Brick features: Nested bricks and relative input/output names

To more easily add, remove and swap out a subset of bricks in a brick collection (e.g. bricks related to specific task), we support passing a nested dictionary of bricks to a BrickCollection and using relative input and output names.

First we create a function (create_image_classification_head) that returns a dictionary with image classification specific bricks.

from typing import Dict

from torchbricks.bricks import BrickInterface

def create_image_classification_head(
    num_classes: int, in_channels: int, features_name: str, targets_name: str
) -> Dict[str, BrickInterface]:
    """Image classifier bricks: Classifier, loss and metrics"""
    head = {
        "classify": BrickTrainable(
            ImageClassifier(num_classes=num_classes, n_features=in_channels),
            output_names=["./logits", "./probabilities", "./class_prediction"],
        "accuracy": BrickMetricSingle(MulticlassAccuracy(num_classes=num_classes), input_names=["./class_prediction", targets_name]),
        "loss": BrickLoss(model=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), input_names=["./logits", targets_name], output_names=["./loss_ce"]),
    return head

We now create the full model containing a preprocessor, backbone and two independent heads called head0 and head1. Each head is a dictionary of bricks, making our brick collection a nested dictionary.

from torchbricks.graph_plotter import create_mermaid_dag_graph

n_features = resnet_brick.model.n_backbone_features
bricks = {
    "preprocessor": BrickNotTrainable(Preprocessor(), input_names=["raw"], output_names=["normalized"]),
    "backbone": resnet_brick,
    "head0": create_image_classification_head(num_classes=3, in_channels=n_features, features_name="features", targets_name="targets0"),
    "head1": create_image_classification_head(num_classes=5, in_channels=n_features, features_name="features", targets_name="targets1"),
brick_collections = BrickCollection(bricks)

Also demonstrated in above example is the use of relative input and output names. Looking at our create_image_classification_head function again, you will notice that we actually use of relative input and output names (./logits, ./probabilities, ./class_prediction and ./loss_ce).

Relative names will use the brick name to derive "absolute" names. E.g. for head0 the relative input name ./logits becomes head0/logits and for head1 the relative input name ./logits becomes head1/logits.

We visualize above graph:

flowchart LR
    %% Brick definitions
    preprocessor(<strong>'preprocessor': Preprocessor</strong><br><i>BrickNotTrainable</i>):::BrickNotTrainable
    backbone(<strong>'backbone': BackboneResnet</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    head0/classify(<strong>'head0/classify': ImageClassifier</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    head0/accuracy(<strong>'head0/accuracy': 'MulticlassAccuracy'</strong><br><i>BrickMetricSingle</i>):::BrickMetricSingle
    head0/loss(<strong>'head0/loss': CrossEntropyLoss</strong><br><i>BrickLoss</i>):::BrickLoss
    head1/classify(<strong>'head1/classify': ImageClassifier</strong><br><i>BrickTrainable</i>):::BrickTrainable
    head1/accuracy(<strong>'head1/accuracy': 'MulticlassAccuracy'</strong><br><i>BrickMetricSingle</i>):::BrickMetricSingle
    head1/loss(<strong>'head1/loss': CrossEntropyLoss</strong><br><i>BrickLoss</i>):::BrickLoss
    %% Draw input and outputs
    raw:::input --> preprocessor
    targets0:::input --> head0/accuracy
    targets0:::input --> head0/loss
    targets1:::input --> head1/accuracy
    targets1:::input --> head1/loss
    %% Draw nodes and edges
    preprocessor --> |normalized| backbone
    backbone --> |features| head0/classify
    backbone --> |features| head1/classify
    subgraph head0
        head0/classify --> |head0/class_prediction| head0/accuracy
        head0/classify --> |head0/logits| head0/loss
        head0/classify --> head0/probabilities:::output
        head0/loss --> head0/loss_ce:::output
    subgraph head1
        head1/classify --> |head1/class_prediction| head1/accuracy
        head1/classify --> |head1/logits| head1/loss
        head1/classify --> head1/probabilities:::output
        head1/loss --> head1/loss_ce:::output
    %% Add styling
    classDef arrow stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.0 
    classDef input stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#22A699 
    classDef output stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.3,fill:#F2BE22 
    classDef BrickNotTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#B56576 
    classDef BrickTrainable stroke-width:0px,fill:#6D597A 
    classDef BrickMetricSingle stroke-width:0px,fill:#1450A3 
    classDef BrickLoss stroke-width:0px,fill:#5C677D 
    %% Add legends
    subgraph Legends

Brick features: Save and loading bricks

A brick collection can be saved and loaded as a regular pytorch nn.Module. For more information you can look up the official pytorch guide on Saving and Loading Models.

However, we have also added a brick collection specific saving/loading format. It uses a pytorch weight format, but creates a model file for each brick and keeps files in a nested folder structure.

The idea is that a user can more easily add or remove weights to a specific model by simply moving around model files and folders. Time will tell, if this a useful abstraction or dead code.

But it looks like this:

path_model_folder = Path("build/bricks")

# Saving model parameters brick-collection style
brick_collections.save_bricks(path_model_folder=path_model_folder, exist_ok=True)

print("Model files: ")
print("\n".join(str(path) for path in path_model_folder.rglob("*.pt")))

# Loading model parameters brick-collection style

Brick features: Export as ONNX

To export a brick collection as onnx we provide the export_bricks_as_onnx-function.

Pass an example input (named_input) to trace a brick collection. Set dynamic_batch_size=True to support any batch size inputs and here we explicitly set stage=Stage.EXPORT - this is also the default.

from torchbricks.brick_collection_utils import export_bricks_as_onnx

path_build = Path("build")
path_onnx = path_build / "readme_model.onnx"

export_bricks_as_onnx(path_onnx=path_onnx, brick_collection=brick_collection, named_inputs=named_inputs, dynamic_batch_size=True)

Brick features: Bag of bricks - reusable bricks modules

Note also in above example we use bag-of-bricks to import commonly used nn.Modules

This includes a Preprocessor, ImageClassifier and resnet_to_brick to convert a torchvision resnet models to a backbone brick without a classifier.

Brick features: Training with pytorch-lightning trainer

I like and love pytorch-lightning! We can avoid writing the easy-to-get-wrong training loop and validation/test scrips.

Pytorch lightning creates logs, ensures training is done efficiently on any device (CPU, GPU, TPU), on multiple/distributed devices with reduced precision and much more.

However, one issue I found myself having when wanting to extend my custom pytorch-lightning module (LightningModule) is that it forces an object oriented style with multiple levels of inheritance. This is not necessarily bad, but it makes it hard to reuse code across projects and generally makes the code complicated.

With a brick collection you should rarely change or inherit your lightning module, instead you can inject the model, metrics and loss functions into a lightning module. Changes to preprocessor, backbone, necks, heads, metrics and losses are done on the outside and injected into the lightning module.

Below is an example of how you could inject a brick collection with pytorch-lightning.

We have created LightningBrickCollection (available here) as an example for you to use.

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torchvision
from utils_testing.datamodule_cifar10 import CIFAR10DataModule
from utils_testing.lightning_module import LightningBrickCollection

experiment_name = "CIFAR10"
transform = torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()
data_module = CIFAR10DataModule(data_dir="data", batch_size=5, num_workers=12, test_transforms=transform, train_transforms=transform)
create_optimizer_func = partial(torch.optim.SGD, lr=0.05, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4)
bricks_lightning_module = LightningBrickCollection(
    path_experiments=Path("build") / "experiments",

trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=2, limit_val_batches=2, limit_test_batches=2)
# Train and test model by injecting 'bricks_lightning_module'
trainer.fit(bricks_lightning_module, datamodule=data_module)
trainer.test(bricks_lightning_module, datamodule=data_module)

Brick features: Pass all intermediate tensors to Brick

By adding '__all__' to input_names, it is possible to access all tensors as a dictionary inside a brick module. For production code, this may not be the best option, but this feature can be valuable during an exploration phase or when doing some live debugging of a new model/module.

We will demonstrate in code by introducing a (dummy) module MyNewPostProcessor.

Note: It is just a dummy class, don't worry to much about the actual implementation.

The important thing to notice is that input_names = ['__all__'] is used for our visualizer-brick to pass all tensors as a dictionary as an argument in the forward call.

from typing import Any

class MyNewPostProcessor(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, named_inputs: Dict[str, Any]):
        ## Here `named_inputs` contains all intermediate tensors
        assert "raw" in named_inputs
        assert "embedding" in named_inputs
        return named_inputs["embedding"]

bricks = {
    "backbone": BrickTrainable(TinyModel(n_channels=3, n_features=10), input_names=["raw"], output_names=["embedding"]),
    "post_processor": BrickNotTrainable(MyNewPostProcessor(), input_names=["__all__"], output_names=["postprocessed"]),
brick_collection = BrickCollection(bricks)
named_outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs={"raw": torch.rand((2, 3, 100, 200))})

Brick features: Visualizations in TorchBricks

We provide BrickPerImageVisualization as base brick for doing visualizations in a brick collection. The advantage of brick-based visualization is that it can be bundled together with a specific task/head.

Secondly, visualization/drawing functions typically operate on a single image and on non-torch.Tensor data types. E.g. Opencv/matplotlib uses np.array and pillow using Image.

(Torchvision actually has functions to draw rectangles, key-points and segmentation masks directly on torch.Tensors - but it still operates on a single image and it has no option for rendering text).

The goal of BrickPerImageVisualization is to convert batched tensors/data to per image data in a desired format/datatype and pass it to a draw function. Look up the documentation of BrickPerImageVisualization to see all options.

First we create a callable to do per image visualizations. It can be a simple function, but as demonstrated in below example, it can also be a callable class.

The callable visualizes image classification predictions using pillow and requires two np.arrays as input: input_image of shape [H, W, C] and target_prediction [1].

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from torchbricks.tensor_conversions import float2uint8

class VisualizeImageClassification:
    def __init__(self, class_names: list, font_size: int = 50):
        self.class_names = class_names
        self.font = ImageFont.truetype("tests/data/font_ASMAN.TTF", size=font_size)

    def __call__(self, input_image: np.ndarray, target_prediction: np.ndarray) -> Image.Image:
        """Draws image classification results"""
        assert input_image.ndim == 3  # Converted to single image channel last numpy array [H, W, C]
        image = Image.fromarray(float2uint8(input_image))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.text((25, 25), text=self.class_names[target_prediction[0]], font=self.font)
        return image

The drawing class VisualizeImageClassification is now passed to BrickPerImageVisualization and used in a brick collection.

from torchbricks.bag_of_bricks.brick_visualizer import BrickPerImageVisualization

bricks = {
    "visualizer": BrickPerImageVisualization(
        callable=VisualizeImageClassification(class_names=["cat", "dog"]),
        input_names=["input_image", "target"],

batched_inputs = {"input_image": torch.zeros((2, 3, 100, 200)), "target": torch.tensor([0, 1], dtype=torch.int64)}
brick_collection = BrickCollection(bricks)
outputs = brick_collection(named_inputs=batched_inputs)

display(outputs["visualization"][0], outputs["visualization"][1])

BrickPerImageProcessing will by default convert a batch tensor of shape [B, C, H, W] to a channel last numpy image of shape [H, W, C]. This is the default behavior, and it allows us in the callable of VisualizeImageClassification to operate directly on numpy arrays.

However for BrickPerImageProcessing a user has the option for unpacking batch data in a desired way as we will demonstrate in the next example.

Below we create a class that inherits BrickPerImageVisualization to create a brick for visualizing image classification BrickVisualizeImageClassification. The functionality is similar to above, but demonstrate other options of the BrickPerImageVisualization class.

*It is important to note that visualize_image_classification_pillow is passed as a callable, and we do not override functionality of BrickPerImageVisualization. We only use it to simplify the constructor of BrickVisualizeImageClassification.

from typing import List

from torchbricks.tensor_conversions import function_composer, torch_to_numpy, unpack_batched_tensor_to_pillow_images

class BrickVisualizeImageClassification(BrickPerImageVisualization):
    def __init__(self, input_image: str, target_name: str, class_names: List[str], output_name: str):
        self.class_names = class_names
        self.font = ImageFont.truetype("tests/data/font_ASMAN.TTF", 50)
            input_names=[input_image, target_name],
            unpack_functions_for_type={torch.Tensor: unpack_batched_tensor_to_pillow_images},
            unpack_functions_for_input_name={target_name: function_composer(torch_to_numpy, list)},

    def visualize_image_classification_pillow(self, image: Image.Image, target_prediction: np.int64) -> Image.Image:
        """Draws image classification results"""
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        draw.text((25, 25), text=self.class_names[target_prediction], font=self.font)
        return image

visualizer = BrickVisualizeImageClassification(
    input_image="input_image", target_name="target", class_names=["cat", "dog"], output_name="VisualizeImageClassification"
batched_inputs = {"input_image": torch.zeros((2, 3, 100, 200)), "target": torch.tensor([0, 1], dtype=torch.int64)}

Not unlike before, the callable (here visualize_image_classification_pillow) accepts an Image.Image image and an int64 value directly and we are not required to do conversions inside the drawing function.

This can be achieved by using the two input arguments:

  • unpack_functions_for_type: Dict[Type, Callable] specifying how each type should be unpacked. In above example we use unpack_functions_for_type={torch.Tensor: unpack_batched_tensor_to_pillow_images} to unpack all torch.Tensors of shape [B, 3, H, W] as pillow images.
  • unpack_functions_for_input_name: Dict[str, Callable] specifies how a specific input name should be unpacked. In above example we use unpack_functions_for_input_name={target_name: function_composer(torch_to_numpy, list)} to unpack a torch.Tensor of shape [B] to one int64 value per image.

Specifying unpacking by input name (unpack_functions_for_input_name) will override the per type unpacking of unpack_functions_for_type.


The main motivation:

  • Sharable models: Packing model parts, metrics, loss-functions and visualizations into a single recipe, makes the model more sharable to other projects and supports sharing models for different use cases such as: Only inference, inference+visualizations and training+metrics+losses.
  • Shareable Parts: The brick collection encourage users to decouples parts and making also each part more sharable.
  • Multiple tasks: Makes it easier to add and remove tasks. Each task can be expressed by model parts in a dictionary, we can easily add/remove them to a brick collection.
  • By packing model modules, metrics, loss-functions and visualization into a single brick collection, we can more easily inject it into your custom trainer and evaluation without doing per task/model modifications.
  • Your model is not required to only return logits. Some training frameworks expect you to only return logits - values that go into your loss function. Then at inference/test/evaluation you need to do post processing or pass additional outputs to calculate metrics, do visualizations and make prediction human interpretable. It encourage unclear control flow (if/else statements) in the model that depends on model stage.
  • Using input and output names makes it easier to describe how parts are connected. Internally data is passed between bricks in a dictionary of any type - making in flexible. But for each module, you can specific and add and check type hints for input and output data to both improve readability and make it more production ready.
  • When I started making a framework suited for multiple tasks, I would passed dictionaries around to all modules and pull out tensors by name in each module. Book keeping names and updating names was messy. I also started using the typical backbone(encoder) / head(decoder) separation... But some heads may share a common neck. The decoder might also take different inputs and split into different representation and merge again... Also to avoid code duplication, I ended up during multiple layers of inheritance for the decoder, making reuse bad and generally everything became too complicated and a new task would require me to refactor the whole concept. Yes, it was probably not a super great attempt either, but it made me realize it should be easier to make a new task and it should be easier to reuse parts.

What are we missing?

  • Demonstrate model configuration with hydra in this document
  • Make common Visualizations with pillow - not opencv to not blow up the required dependencies. ImageClassification, Segmentation, ObjectDetection
    • VideoModule to store data as a video
    • DisplayModule to show data
  • Consider caching unpacked data for PerImageVisualizer
  • Multiple named tensors caching module.
  • Use pymy, pyright or pyre to do static code checks.
  • Collection of helper modules. Preprocessors, Backbones, Necks/Upsamplers, ImageClassification, SemanticSegmentation, ObjectDetection
    • Make common brick collections: BricksImageClassification, BricksSegmentation, BricksPointDetection, BricksObjectDetection
  • Support preparing data in the dataloader?
  • Support torch.jit.scripting?

How does it really work?



Read the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


conda create --name torchbricks --file conda-linux-64.lock
conda activate torchbricks
poetry install

Activating the environment

conda activate torchbricks