
Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Yolo version 2 for ROS

Yolo9000 wrapped in a ros-package for running it with ROS. A lot of credit goes to Joseph Chet Redmon - you might enjoy his resume - and co. for implementing a deep learning framework Darknet and the super fast object detector YOLO and YOLOv2 / YOLO9000.

The make-file have been converted to a CMakeLists. (Code test on ubuntu 16.04, cuda 8, opencv 3.2.0-dev, ROS kinetic)

Install ROS and make workspace

Follow the ROS installation guide for download and installation and ROS tutorials for creating a workspace.

Place package in your workspace src-folder

Go to ros-workspace source folder in a terminal

cd [workspace]/src/

Clone folder in terminal.

The repository needs to be updated. 
$ git clone https://github.com/PeteHeine/yolo_v2_ros

Download yolo model to directory the weight directory.

cd [workspace]/src/yolo_v2_ros
mkdir weights
cd weigths
wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolo.weights

Test yolo without ROS, without opencv and without GPU (In Makefile, set GPU=0 and OPENCV=0 and make.)

cd [workspace]/src/yolo_v2_ros
./darknet detect cfg/yolo.cfg weights/yolo.weights data/dog.jpg

To run with GPU and opencv. Open Makefile, set GPU=1 and OPENCV=1 and make agian.

Build project with ROS

First clone bounding box message type in workspace.

cd [workspace]/src/
git clone https://github.com/PeteHeine/msg_boundingbox.git

Open [workspace]/src/yolo_v2_ros/CMakeList.txt and ensure that

set(OPENCV 1)


Open [workspace]/src/yolo_v2_ros/CMakeList.txt and ensure that

set(GPU 0)


Software requires CUDA to be installed. Go to download page select your platform, download and follow instructions.

Open [workspace]/src/yolo_v2_ros/CMakeList.txt and ensure that

set(GPU 1)


Go to workspace and run catkin make.

cd [workspace]

Test with ROS and usb cam

Clone usb_cam ros package to workspace. Go again to ros-workspace source folder.

cd [workspace]/src/

Clone folder

git clone https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/usb_cam.git

Move file to weight-folder

cd [workspace]/src/yolo_v2_ros
mkdir weights

# Normal model
cp ~/Downloads/yolo.weights ./weights 

Build packages

cd [workspace]

Source ros-workspace

source devel/setup.bash

Run launch file

roslaunch yolo_v2_ros usb_web_cam.launch