
reloadDataAnimated: changes contentOffset

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Every time i use hiding cells in my new project, it changes contentOffset of the tableView, so it looks buggy. Any ideas why this happens?

[self cell:self.sampleCell setHidden:![self cellIsHidden:sampleCell]];
[self reloadDataAnimated:NO];

Did you try animated reload?

On Friday, July 10, 2015, nikitosorange wrote:

Every time i use hiding cells in my new project, it changes contentOffset
of the tableView, so it looks buggy. Any ideas why this happens?

[self cell:self.sampleCell setHidden:![self cellIsHidden:sampleCell]];
[self reloadDataAnimated:NO];

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Prajem príjemný deň...
Mgr. Peter Paulis

Yes, it makes the same issue appear.

Hm, i suddenly found the way to avoid this bug.
If I set these cells hidden on viewDidLoad and then show them just by [self cell:self.sampleCell setHidden:![self cellIsHidden:sampleCell]]; then everything is great.
And I don't even call reloadDataAnimated: here.