Duplicated code for converting to hex
Closed this issue · 1 comments
kellijohnson-NOAA commented
This is a suggestion that can be completely ignored ...
I noticed that there is duplicated code that converts ASCII to hex in the pull_*()
functions. For example, in pull_catch()
Lines 119 to 129 in d371e6f
I think we should create a helper function, e.g., see below, because I could not find an existing function that does what we need, though I am sure that there is one somewhere in cyberland.
convert_to_hex_string <- function(x) {
hex_comma <- toupper(paste0("%", charToRaw(",")))
hex_quote <- paste0("%", charToRaw('"'))
hex_space <- paste0("%", charToRaw(" "))
stopifnot(inherits(x, "character"))
# Convert spaces to %20
x_no_spaces <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = hex_space, x)
# Wrap each string in quotes with %22 and
# separate strings with %2C, which is a comma
out <- paste0(hex_quote, x_no_spaces, hex_quote, collapse = hex_comma)
The following example uses the above code and ends up with the same result as what is currently in the code:
species <- c("lingcod", "sablefish", "pacific cod")
species_str <- "%22lingcod%22%2C%22sablefish%22%2C%22pacific%20cod%22"
convert_to_hex_string(species) == species_str
chantelwetzel-noaa commented
This was a great suggestion. Thank you for providing code to make this addition easy.