
export stopifnotcolumn or use nwfscSurvey:::stopifnotcolumn?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

@chantelwetzel-noaa the following function is not exported and it is duplicated in PacFIN.Utilities

stopifnotcolumn <- function(data, string) {

I am wondering if we should use nwfscSurvey:::stopifnotcolumn() in PacFIN.Utilities, which is known to not be the best practice but we are not submitting to CRAN so 🤷 or should we export it from {nwfscSurvey}? Either option is fine with me, I just do not want to have the code in two places.

I think it would be easiest to export this function in {nwfscSurvey}.

Okay great, I will wait for that to happen before I deprecate it from PacFIN.Utilities.