PullSpp.fn() takes too long
Opened this issue · 10 comments
extracts data for all species from a single year of the WCGBTS, which takes forever. This function acts to supply a lookup data frame for common name to scientific name for species caught within the surveys performed or used by the NWFSC. See its development here in the following pull request: 28#. Via email request, the survey team is trying to make the original lookup table within the warehouse accessible to all users, i.e., downloadable from a web link. This issue is to remind us that the code in URLtext in line 19 will need to be changed for efficiency purposes.
@Curt-Whitmire-NOAA do you know if there is a way to access a list of species names with their common and scientific name using sql or url. Currently, I download all data and find unique values, this is very costly with respect to time and I am looking for a simple way to perhaps filter upon download rather than after download or a url for an existing table. Thanks.
@kellijohnson-NOAA, I can certainly provide a table that could be uploaded to Github. Do you only want unique fish names, or do you also want invertebrates? This would be a short term fix, and wouldn't update dynamically. For that I can work with our developer to add the taxonomy table to the DW front end. I will likely have some follow-up questions to make this table as useful as possible.
I think that the current function will work until we can get a dynamic solution going forward.
In short, I am looking for a way to link common names to scientific names and the reverse where it accounts for historical names and species complexes.
@kellijohnson-NOAA , I will email you a CSV with the current list of "fish" in the Data Warehouse taxonomy dimensions table. Please review and let me know if it suits your needs for now. We can then discuss a better dynamic solution.
@Curt-Whitmire-NOAA any progress on getting the taxonomy dimensions table available as a pull rather than how we have it now with a saved csv that is NEVER updated?
@kellijohnson-NOAA I found that the taxonomy dimension table is already exposed via the API. There are some fields that need to be fully populated (e.g., ITIS Serial #, WoRMS AphiaID) but as far as I can tell the table includes the full list of taxonomic names in for all our FRAM programs.
@kellijohnson-NOAA here's an example API pull for all "fish" species:
@kellijohnson-NOAA Potential filters (arguments) to consider for including in the PullSpp.fn() are:
- species_category
- species_subcategory
- grp_reg_depth_category
If there's anything else you need for this enhancement, please let me know.
Thank you @Curt-Whitmire-NOAA the link you gave me worked flawlessly using
species <- get_json("https://www.webapps.nwfsc.noaa.gov/data/api/v1/source/warehouse.taxonomy_dim/selection.json?filters=species_category=fish")
@kellijohnson-NOAA glad it meets your needs! Now we should both stop working for the night ;^)