
ROS based autonomous mobile robot

Primary LanguageC++

Visual Odometry Library

Library for performing RGB-D Visual Odometry

Currently supported approaches:

  • Robust Dense Visual Odometry [1]

This project contain some external modules as git submodules, so after clonning the repository one must run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

C++ build

To buld the library vo, on project's root dir run these commands

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../

NOTE: ({-DXX=ON} are optional flags)

Pyhton Bindings

This repository contains Python bindings (tested with Python3.7) thanks to pybind11. One can install this library's Python wrappers pyvo by running (on project's root):

pip install setup.py


There is a Python CLI script to test the approach, supported benchmark are:

  • TUM RGB-D benchmarks
  • Custom benchmark format (TODO: Explain)

This scripts requirements are specified in here.

To run an evaluation (from project's root):

python3 examples/test_dvo.py {tum-fr1, test} -d /path/to/benchmark/dir -c /path/to/dvo/config.yaml -i /path/to/camera/intrinsics.yaml {-v} {-s 100}

An example of a DVO config file located here and for the camera intrinsics file here. The optional arguments:

  • -v: Boolean flag to display the estimated trajectory vs groundtruth
  • -s X: Optional option to use the first X samples of the benchmark. If not set, the complete benchmark is computed


[1] C. Kerl, J. Sturm, and D. Cremers, “Robust odometry estimation for rgb-d cameras,” in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2013.