Pinned issues
- 3
- 0
- 0
Support for the Tagging Project
#1370 opened by u-fischer - 0
possible manual typo
#1376 opened by hmenke - 1
Wrong explanation
#1374 opened by un-lo-so - 1
- 5
- 4
- 0
- 21
Adding the opposite of `open` to arrow tips definitions
#1348 opened by muzimuzhi - 4
- 8
Conflict between tikz spy and luatexja-fontspec in lualatex compilation
#1362 opened by atlantasticMKQ - 0
PGFKeys' First Char Syntax with non-csname-able content raises error message in graphs library.
#1355 opened by Qrrbrbirlbel - 3
- 2
Provide a jigsaw puzzle decoration
#1357 opened by gerion0 - 1
No clickable links with hyperref and tikzexternalize
#1356 opened by amblafont - 1
Foreach fails over pairs of coordinates
#1354 opened by memeplex - 1
name intersections with sort-by inside \foreach loop produced wrong intersection as first one
#1345 opened by robert-g-liu - 4
Make an option to turn off repeat behavior of `\foreach` when variable values are missing.
#1329 opened by DominikPeters - 2
PGFKeys: Missing \pgfeov in \pgfkeysdefnargs
#1350 opened by Qrrbrbirlbel - 2
Wrong Indentation with pgfsys-dvisvgm.def
#1353 opened by parpalak - 0
Buggy dvisvgm export for transparency group=knockout
#1349 opened by tobiasBora - 1
Non-commuting draw options
#1346 opened by AndrewMathas - 0
dvisvgm backend: expose the name of tikz entities in order to assign svg id
#1344 opened by severin-lemaignan - 4
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
`final` decoration state uses wrong coordinate transformation when remaining length is 0
#1337 opened by schtandard - 1
Gnuplot can't find the file when `$aux_dir` is set
#1334 opened by jdujava - 1
pgfpages layout "two screens with optional second" with "second top" do not show shading picture correctly
#1333 opened by lrtfm - 4
How can I enter Chinese in the pgf document, and then use "l3build doc -q -H" to compile successfully?
#1332 opened by yiddu - 1
pgfsyspdfmark is undefined when used in aux file
#1330 opened by user202729 - 2
libxpdf: Syntax Error: AcroForm field object is wrong type when mixing tikzexternal with animate
#1331 opened by JasonGross - 4
Suggestion: raise an error if `\path` is used in `\pgfextra` without `\pgfinterruptpath`
#1328 opened by user202729 - 1
- 0
Formatting of initial values of commands
#1326 opened by muzimuzhi - 1
- 1
Use expl3's parentheses-balanced parser?
#1323 opened by user202729 - 0
- 0
Give an error when function with no argument is called with parentheses (or function with argument is called with no parentheses) in \tikzmath?
#1322 opened by user202729 - 0
Raise an error if variable declaration is incorrect
#1321 opened by user202729 - 0
Give better error message if `;` after tikzmath function definition is missing
#1320 opened by user202729 - 4
- 0
support of CMYK colors in the dvisvgm backend
#1319 opened by mgieseki - 1
Improve coordinate parser to allow `⟨coordinate⟩*⟨number⟩` or `⟨coordinate⟩/⟨number⟩`?
#1318 opened by user202729 - 4
Font is not embedded when using tikzfadingfrompicture for color gradient on font glyphs
#1315 opened by branleb - 9
`\pgfimage` should support `\graphicspath`
#1314 opened by JasonGross - 4
Error of foreach and node commands
#1313 opened by psparkmath - 2
Text placement/alignment issue
#1312 opened by IjhUDWzf