- 0
#110 opened by ujwalayadav - 3
detect flex box
#107 opened by brentonstrine - 4
Pointer Events in Opera
#50 opened by trkoch - 2
IE9 throws exception on media.canPlayType() call
#77 opened by rwaldron - 0
useragent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0) error
#102 opened by pchelailya - 0
Release version
#100 opened by satazor - 0
[bot] Add missing bower.json.
#98 opened by timgluz - 1
Provide copyright notice for licensing
#96 opened by samreid - 3
How to log all hasjs values to console?
#93 opened by kmiklas - 1
bugs.js missing comma
#92 opened by ricksbrown - 4
css-position-fixed returns true on iOS 4 Safari
#57 opened by rainhead - 0
add a test for createObjectURL
#88 opened by julienw - 0
#87 opened by EarMaster - 3
null results for some tests
#79 opened by paulirish - 0
has.js can now report to browserscope
#80 opened by paulirish - 0
Prevent unsupported use of has.js feature testing
#78 opened by ddumont - 2
Firefox pre-4.0 media currentTime bug
#75 opened by rwaldron - 1
- 2
- 5
- 0
- 0
Browserscope reporting
#52 opened by paulirish - 3
- 1
bugs-string-ignores-function rename?
#51 opened by phiggins42 - 2
has('is-ugly') == true // :'(
#41 opened by subtleGradient - 3
- 1
can you provide a single file version?
#30 opened by be5invis - 3
names: propose unconditonal lowercase
#13 opened by phiggins42 - 2
CLA for commiters ?
#8 opened by jdalton - 1