

This GitHub repository contains a collection of documents, photos etc for running a BashTheBug/AMR public engagement activity.

Social Media

Please tweet before, during and after any event and copy @BashTheBug and also @ModMedMicro and any relevant funders, such as @OxfordBRC.

Also encourage people to email bashthebug at

Online videos

This is a particularly good one for explaining resistance!


There are usually some BashTheBug stickers around - ask Philip Fowler.


BashTheBug has a blog. The posts will give you an idea of what has been happening and hopefully you'll find one with recent statistics. If you click the red button it takes you to the project site on the Zooniverse website. There you can click Learn More or Get Started and then start classifying. Whilst you can sign in as a user, you don't have to.

Live statistics

You can either look on, or if you can here you'll get a slightly cryptic bit of text like


If you add up the doc_count fields you get 696,850 which is the current number of classifications! This updates in real-time (refresh the page).

Demonstrating BashTheBug

Obviously it works best on a touch screen. In the past we've used a Dell touchscreen monitor (only worked with Windows 10 or Ubuntu, not Mac OS X), tablets and phones and a Smart Board. Tablets or phablets are ok, but small smart phones get a bit small. The dynamic layout of the Zooniverse is a bit unpredictable; sometimes the image is larger when portrait than landscape and don't forget you can usually make the text smaller and larger which will also affect the size of the image.

As much as possible let people make up their own mind and emphasise that (i) it is a subjective task i.e. if you ask experts you get different opinions / there is no "right" answer (ii) since each image is shown to at least 15 people, the consensus is highly accurate

Ultimately though it ends up being a personality test. A cautious person will spend a lot of time worrying over all the small dots, whilst a more happy-go-lucky person will zoom through the classifications not worrying about the odd dot here or there.


You'll find a short slide deck in slides/. Hopefully the statistics will be up to date, if not ask! I've only included Keynote as most people have Mac laptops, but just in case I'll always make sure there is a PDF version.

Lego DUPLO protein mutation demonstration

The instructions for this simple demonstration are also incldued. Philip Fowler should have the DUPLO and two sets of instructions in plastic wallets.


If you think of anything else that would be useful here, please drop me a line.