PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.
- 2
Regression: empty argument in ExecTask cannot be escaped
#1839 opened by lpd-au - 1
SassTask doesn't always show downstream errors (was SassCompiler ignores `style`)
#1863 opened by elt4n0 - 0
No new line between call with RetryTask
#1830 opened by rconstant - 0
Add suggested extensions to Dockerfile
#1875 opened by mrook - 6
Some phing tasks require the Intl extension but the dependency is not declared
#1840 opened by iambrianreich - 2
Remove phpcpd and phploc tasks
#1708 opened by mrook - 3
FileSet erroronmissingdir attribute does not work
#1856 opened by demiankatz - 0
SonarTask: Tool banner no longer matches regex
#1854 opened by feamsr00 - 6
- 1
Trouble excectuing phing with error "Failed opening required 'phing/Task.php'"
#1842 opened by amigian74 - 0
- 0
ZipTask stores directories with 777 permission
#1817 opened by lea-BMS - 1
- 1
- 1
Property File Loading Order and Variable Reference Issue
#1784 opened by Maretius - 6
Found unconstructed IntlDateFormatter
#1783 opened by xillibit - 5
3.0 pre-release checks
#1641 opened by mrook - 7
- 0
Replace libssh2 with phpseclib
#1696 opened by mrook - 0
Replacetokens treating values as boolean
#1719 opened by mpeter-fv - 3
Phing cannot resolve executable path
#1734 opened by zeleniy - 2
Deprecated warns with PHP 8.2
#1736 opened by zeleniy - 1
- 6
Document sanitizing of text in Append task
#1673 opened by jawira - 0
Roll-out `pharLocation` "hack" to other tasks
#1663 opened by mrook - 0
Add all task-related require-dev dependencies to suggest section in composer.json
#1704 opened by mrook - 3
- 0
Migrate to monorepo
#1693 opened by mrook - 1
phing.phar 2.17.4: Archive_Tar missing
#1695 opened by cweiske - 1
v2 documentation
#1694 opened by wp4nuv - 1
Regression in XmlPropertyTask RC3 -> RC4
#1692 opened by fooman - 0
DirSet toString returns files
#1669 opened by twoseascharlie - 0
- 3
TstampTask impacted by deprecation
#1682 opened by jawira - 2
XML\RNG Validation Wierdness
#1688 opened by feamsr00 - 1
PropertyPromptTask not found
#1687 opened by jawira - 2
Phing not recognize your dependecies
#1681 opened by IgorDePaula - 1
Update to 'symfony/yaml ^6'
#1679 opened by zeravcic - 3
Add GitHub 32bit aware runner
#1668 opened by siad007 - 2
Fatal error on using Http condition with PHP 8
#1677 opened by oburk - 0
Remove deprecated `command` attribute from ExecTask
#1662 opened by mrook - 7
Finalize document
#1640 opened by mrook - 1
Missing php namespace in phpunit-noframes.xsl for phing-3.0.0-RC3.phar release
#1656 opened by twoseascharlie - 1
CTask proposal
#1646 opened by jawira - 1
Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported
#1651 opened by jaras2678 - 2
SSL issue with downloading phar from
#1649 opened by shivammathur - 2
Fix PHP 8.1 tests and confirm compatibility
#1642 opened by mrook - 4
Suggestions for ExecTask
#1638 opened by jawira - 2
bump version phing/task-jshint in composer.lock
#1639 opened by MiRacLe-RPZ - 1
PHP 8 deprecation issue (parameter order) in 2.16.4
#1633 opened by Zarthus