ATON framework is based on modern web standards and technologies to create interactive, liquid and collaborative Web3D/WebXR apps targeting Cultural Heritage field. It adopts a “develop once, deploy everywhere” approach, providing building-blocks and a modular architecture
- aaronsmulktisMaterial Instinct, LLC
- Albanbricearcheo3d
- alexwelcingObsessVR
- amark
- AndySzeEarth
- ansarizafarInfinityTech
- antonio-gomez@Apple
- arpu1170 Vienna
- Ben-Mack
- Construkted-Reality
- damian-pastoriniDwDeveloper
- DaxSoftFreelancer
- dballesgnone
- espisepi
- fabiodr
- faisalakandhaDhaka, Bangladesh
- felixmariottoLaniakea Supercluster
- Fire-
- franciscohermida
- fupengBeijing China
- guilhermebkel@picsize-team, @letalk-team, @gbkel
- HarshalShendeTechDev360
- HyroVitalyProtagoFrance
- imandel
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- lalaluneEliza Labs
- meganmckissack@hackoregon
- mul1shMulish Games
- oggettoneItaly
- phoenixbfCNR ISPC (ex ITABC)
- rationalthug
- sandeep-devarapalliDatazip
- shimmeringtrashpileRock <--> Hard Place, Southern California
- skywalkershen
- vicding-miDI/HUC KNAW
- Zeirus(freelance)