A draggable sortable vue tree component, with dragging placeholder, types definition.
- 3
Droppable false not working
#70 opened by BOISSARD - 1
Show placeholder when dragging between trees?
#78 opened by vladguan - 5
- 1
Create an emit for nodecreated?
#77 opened by ishaiavrahami - 7
Unfold to path
#76 opened by ishaiavrahami - 3
Limit the depth of tree
#75 opened by cpgb85 - 2
Get Parent Node Of the dropped Node
#74 opened by medicareamaze - 7
- 1
How to disable placeholder display?
#73 opened by renatovaler - 1
display the treeData structure in reverse order
#72 opened by bci24 - 1
Demo3Fold.vue not working in vue 3
#71 opened by bci24 - 5
Problem use he-tree-vue
#69 opened by Archie1978 - 4
How can i update a specific tree node?
#46 opened by manyasone - 5
Expand all ancestors
#68 opened by JohnnyMaynne - 1
Is this library deprecated
#67 opened by sanjogs - 8
how to delete a node using by id (unique)
#66 opened by bci24 - 0
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- 5
- 2
- 1
Drag items outside the tree
#58 opened by balint80 - 3
How to get a list of checked items?
#56 opened by TNortnern - 1
The events do not work for Vue3
#59 opened by henriklippke - 1
How to access dragged node?
#57 opened by balint80 - 4
Tree data field where path is its property
#54 opened by dipzera - 1
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- 1
Draggable error
#51 opened by MinhHieuC4E - 6
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Tree Inside a table
#49 opened by belt-basya - 5
Update node from walkTreeData
#48 opened by marco-viewpoint - 1
Doc examples/demo $xxxClass and $xxxStyle
#43 opened by byezy - 1
Does he-tree recognize a drop on ?
#44 opened by duderion - 1
How to have a root single node
#45 opened by kowiste - 2
Multiple `foldingTransition` warnings
#42 opened by AndreasNasman - 1
#40 opened by boring2 - 5
How to drag arbitrary elements into a tree?
#39 opened by ddenev - 3
Suggestion on release notes
#38 opened by onekiloparsec - 3
Vue 3 Support?
#34 opened by alabama - 5
How to disable auto check childs?
#35 opened by d4rkr3pt0r - 2
unfoldWhenDragover not working
#37 opened by sam019 - 2
Adding a node to a specific position
#36 opened by devla - 1
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Bug on draggingNodePositionMode:top_left_corner, when dragging and the top left corner is outside the tree
#32 opened by adityapurwa - 4
edgeScroll: define which scroll container to scroll
#29 opened by dswbx - 3
TargetPath is updated late?
#33 opened by TheHussein - 11